San Francisco Becomes First US City To Ban Sale of E-Cigarettes

San Francisco voted to ban e-cigarettes in the first legislation of its kind in the United States. The Guardian reports: Supervisors approved a measure banning the sale and distribution of e-cigarettes in an effort to curb the rise of youth vaping. The measure will now go for final approval to San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who said she will sign the…

Meet Ehab: A Peace Advocate Building a New Life in Germany

Coursera for Refugees launched in 2016 to provide free access to Coursera’s catalog to refugees around the world. Today more than 26,000 refugees are learning on Coursera, including Ehab. Ehab is a 26-year-old student resettling in Germany after fleeing Syria. He participates in Coursera for Refugees through Kiron Open Higher Education, a non-profit organization that […]
The post Meet Ehab: A Peace…

Moon in Leo the Lion on June 8 and 9

These next few nights – June 8 and 9, 2019 – use the moon to locate Leo’s bright star Regulus. Once the moon leaves the evening sky, starting around the solstice, try to piece together the starlit figure of the Lion in a dark sky. Source:…

‘Treat Facebook Like Big Tobacco’

Instead of regulating Facebook like a traditional telecom or media company, Bloomberg Opinion columnist Elaine Ou argues “Facebook should be regulated the same way as other vices like tobacco, alcohol and gambling”: Facebook achieved outsize market share with an addictive product. A competing platform would need to do an even better job of exploiting psychological vulnerability to topple the incumbent. But…

How Karen is Updating Her Medical Knowledge on Coursera

Karen is a registered nurse working at a school in Wisconsin. She took courses on Coursera to update her medical knowledge and provide the best possible care for her students. “Courses on Coursera helped me realize the breadth of knowledge that’s available and helped me rediscover the love of learning.” 2012 B.C. (Before Coursera) I […]
The post How Karen is Updating…

Bookstores band together for Independent Bookstore Day


Strange Tales of Apes in Appalachia: Mystery Beasts in Carolina Folklore

Throughout the Southeastern United States, there are countless renditions on the common legend of Boogers, Bogey Men, and nocturnal manlike beasts said to roam the hills. As a child, I was always fascinated by one such story told by a family friend who, always with a bit of hesitation, described an odd looking, man-like animal… Read more » Source:…

7 things we’ve learned about Earth since the last Earth Day


Why Juul and Republican Lawmakers Want To Raise the Minimum Vaping Age To 21

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced a new bill today that would block all tobacco and vape purchases for Americans under 21 years old, citing widespread public health risks. Surprisingly, vaping companies don’t appear to be too concerned, as Juul’s CEO Kevin Burns issued this statement supporting the measure: “JUUL Labs is committed to eliminating combustible cigarettes, the number one cause…