New Chinese Browser Offers a Glimpse Beyond the Great Firewall — With Caveats

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: China now has a tool that lets users access YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, and other internet services that have otherwise long been banned in the country. Called Tuber, the mobile browser recently debuted on China’s third-party Android stores, with an iOS launch in the pipeline. The landing page of the app features…

China’s 2060 carbon neutral pledge is a big deal but is it big enough?

China surprised the world yesterday when president Xi Jinping told the United Nations general assembly that the country would achieve carbon neutrality before 2060 Source:…

China, in Pointed Message To US, Tightens Its Climate Targets

President Xi Jinping of China pledged on Tuesday that his country, the world’s top producer of greenhouse gases, would adopt much stronger climate targets and achieve what he called “carbon neutrality before 2060.” If realized, the pledges would be crucial in the global fight against climate change. From a report: The announcement, made at the annual meeting of the United Nations…

Larry King Duped Into ‘Disinfomercial’ on Social Media By China (and Possibly Russia)

For 25 years, until 2010, Larry King had a live interview show on CNN. But now ProPublica reports “In the twilight of a remarkable radio and television career spanning more than six decades, battling health problems but determined to stay in the public eye, King was ensnared in an international disinformation scheme.” It involved filming Larry King asking questions, and then…

China Tech Groups Censored Information About Coronavirus

Chinese social media platforms, including Tencent’s WeChat, censored keywords related to coronavirus as early as December [Editor’s note: the link may be paywalled; alternative source], potentially limiting the Chinese public’s ability to protect themselves from the virus. From a report: Beijing has strictly controlled access to information throughout the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed more than 3,000 people worldwide. Research by…

The Price of Bitcoin Spiked 40% Friday Night

“The price of Bitcoin skyrocketed overnight, rising by nearly 40 percent from a recent low,” reports Newsweek:
The sharp turn came as Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke highly of the decentralized technology on which the digital currency is founded, telling members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee that the country should “seize the opportunity” of blockchain… China banned cryptocurrency exchanges…

China Has Gained the Ability To Spy On More Than 100 Million Citizens Via a Heavily Promoted Official App, Report Suggests

Security researchers believe the Chinese Communist Party’s official “Study the Great Nation” app has a backdoor that could help monitor use and copy data from those who have it installed on their devices. The BBC reports: Released in February, Study the Great Nation has become the most downloaded free program in China, thanks to persuasive demands by Chinese authorities that citizens…

Overwatch Mei Is Becoming a Hong Kong Protest Symbol

Following Blizzard’s decision to suspend a Hearthstone player for expressing support of protests in Hong Kong during an official tournament broadcast, some gamers are working to turn Overwatch hero Mei into a symbol of the Hong Kong resistance. Polygon reports: A post yesterday on the r/HongKong subreddit suggested people turn Mei, a Chinese Overwatch hero, into a “pro-democracy symbol” to get…

US Holds Off On Huawei Licenses As China Halts Crop-Buying

After China said it was halting purchases of U.S. farming goods earlier this week, the White House retaliated by postponing a decision about licenses for U.S. companies to restart business with Huawei. “Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, whose department has vetted the applications to resume sales, said last week he’s received 50 requests and that a decision on them was pending,” reports…

US Government Staff Told To Treat Huawei as Blacklisted

A senior U.S. official told the Commerce Department’s enforcement staff this week that China’s Huawei should still be treated as blacklisted, days after U.S. President Donald Trump sowed confusion with a vow to ease a ban on sales to the firm. From a report: Trump surprised markets on Saturday by promising Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20…