Tesco, One of the World’s Largest Supermarket Operators, Sets 300% Sales Target For Plant-Based Alternatives To Meat

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Tesco is to become the first UK retailer to set a sales target for plant-based alternatives to meat as it steps up efforts to offer shoppers more sustainable options. The UK’s largest supermarket will on Tuesday commit to boosting sales of meat alternatives by 300% within five years, by 2025. Over the…

Wildlife In ‘Catastrophic Decline’ Due To Human Destruction, Scientists Warn

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Wildlife populations have fallen by more than two-thirds in less than 50 years, according to a major report (PDF) by the conservation group WWF. The report says this “catastrophic decline” shows no sign of slowing. And it warns that nature is being destroyed by humans at a rate never seen before. The…

Michelin sustainable rubber criticised for deforestation

Michelin and WWF have been criticised over a rubber plantation in Indonesia which villagers say has caused deforestation and destroyed elephant habitat Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2230574-michelin-sustainable-rubber-criticised-for-deforestation/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Scotland Produced Enough Wind Energy To Power All Its Homes Twice Over

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: Wind turbines in Scotland generated 9,831,320 megawatt hours between January and June 2019, WWF Scotland said Monday. The numbers, which were supplied by WeatherEnergy, mean that Scottish wind generated enough electricity to power the equivalent of 4.47 million homes for six months. That is almost double the number of homes in Scotland, according…