New Technique Reveals Centuries of Secrets in Locked Letters

M.I.T. researchers have devised a virtual-reality technique that lets them read old letters that were mailed not in envelopes but in the writing paper itself after being folded into elaborate enclosures. From a report: In 1587, hours before her beheading, Mary, Queen of Scots, sent a letter to her brother-in-law Henry III, King of France. But she didn’t just sign it…

Japan Developing Wooden Satellites To Cut Space Junk

Joe2020 shares a report: A Japanese company and Kyoto University have joined forces to develop what they hope will be the world’s first satellites made out of wood by 2023. Sumitomo Forestry said it has started research on tree growth and the use of wood materials in space. The partnership will begin experimenting with different types of wood in extreme environments…

What Are You Paying For in a $300 Chess Set? Mostly the Knights

If you bought a wooden chess set after watching “The Queen’s Gambit,” the price you paid was most likely dictated by just four pieces. From a report: The knights alone can account for as much as 50 percent of the cost of a nice wooden set. While the rest of the pieces can be machine-made, the knights are carved by hand…

Print These Electronic Circuits Directly Onto Skin

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: New circuits can get printed directly on human skin to help monitor vital signs, a new study finds. In the new study, researchers developed a way to sinter nanoparticles of silver at room temperature. The key behind this advance is a so-called a sintering aid layer, consisting of a biodegradable polymer paste…

Some Cities are Combining Basic Incomes with Local Currenices

Bloomberg looks at some interesting local currency programs that have been implemented around the world. And in at least one case money “is literally being made from trees” — the wooden dollars being printed in a small city in the northwest U.S. and distributed to the needy in monthly stipends. “We preach localism and investing in our local community,” says mayor…

DIY Tomato Cages And Stakes To Properly Support Your Tomato Plants

No need to spend hundreds of dollars on store-bought tomato cages. You can make your own affordable, functional DIY cages and stakes straight from your homestead. Check out your options below! RELATED: All About Tomatoes: Your Spring Growing Guide | Homesteading Tips In this article: Standard Steel Mesh Tomato Cage Wooden Tomato Plant Obelisk Stake…Continue Reading
The post DIY Tomato Cages And…

A Small US Town is Now Printing Its Own Currency

Tenino, Washington (population: 1,884) has launched its own local currency, reports the Hustle:
Mayor Wayne Fournier decided that Tenino would set aside $10k to give out to low-income residents hurt by the pandemic. But instead of using federal dollars, he’d print the money on thin sheets of wood designed exclusively for use in Tenino. His mint? A 130-year-old newspaper printer from a…

7 Best Indoor Herb Garden Kits Perfect For Urban Homesteading

You don’t need to live in a large homestead to enjoy a bit of open-air country freshness. Make your quaint city home smell as fresh as a wide-open farm by growing an indoor herb garden kit! RELATED: Herb Garden Tips | How to Dry Herbs 7 Best Indoor Herb Garden Kit Options to Choose From 1.…Continue Reading
The post 7 Best Indoor Herb…