Japan Developing Wooden Satellites To Cut Space Junk

Joe2020 shares a report: A Japanese company and Kyoto University have joined forces to develop what they hope will be the world’s first satellites made out of wood by 2023. Sumitomo Forestry said it has started research on tree growth and the use of wood materials in space. The partnership will begin experimenting with different types of wood in extreme environments…

Nintendo Plans Upgraded Switch Console and Major Games for 2021

Nintendo plans to debut an upgraded model of its Switch console next year along with a lineup of new games, Bloomberg reported Tuesday, citing people familiar with the matter said, ceding 2020’s holiday spotlight to rival devices from Sony and Microsoft. From the report: The specifications of the new machine have yet to be finalized, though the Kyoto-based company has looked…

New study detects ringing of the global atmosphere

A ringing bell vibrates simultaneously at a low-pitched fundamental tone and at many higher-pitched overtones, producing a pleasant musical sound. A recent study, just published in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences by scientists at Kyoto University and the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, shows that the Earth’s entire atmosphere vibrates in an analogous manner, in a striking confirmation of theories developed by…

Cosmic rays and Titan’s organic molecules

A new study from researchers in Tokyo helps explain how cosmic rays affect prebiotic organic chemistry in the atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/titan-cosmic-rays-atmosphere-prebiotic-organic-chemistry…

Active asteroid unveils fireball identity

At around 1 a.m. local standard time on April 29, 2017, a fireball flew over Kyoto, Japan. Compared to other fireballs spotted from Earth, it was relatively bright and slow. Now, scientists have determined not only what the fireball was, but also where it came from. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-01-asteroid-unveils-fireball-identity.html…