Skin cream applied to mosquito bites stops viruses infecting mice

An immune-boosting skin cream applied directly to mosquito bites stopped viral infections in mice. If approved for human use, it could help prevent mosquito-borne viruses like Zika Source:…

Researchers Develop Universal Flu Vaccine With Nanoparticles That Protect Against Six Different Viruses

clm1970 shares a report from Georgia State University: A novel nanoparticle vaccine that combines two major influenza proteins is effective in providing broad, long-lasting protection against influenza virus in mice, showing promise as a universal flu vaccine, according to a study by the Institute for Biomedical Sciences at Georgia State University. The double-layered nanoparticle vaccine contains the influenza virus proteins matrix…

Doctors scramble to identify mysterious illness emerging in China

The cause of a viral pneumonia that has affected at least 59 people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China, remains unknown, but authorities have ruled out SARS, MERS and bird flu Source:…

Polio Eradication Program Faces Hard Choices as Endgame Strategy Falters

The “endgame” in the decadeslong campaign to eradicate polio suffered major setbacks in 2019. From a report: While the effort lost ground in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which recorded 116 cases of wild polio — four times the number in 2018 — an especially alarming situation developed in Africa. In 12 countries, 196 children were paralyzed not by the wild virus, but…

YouTube’s Algorithm Made Fake CNN Reports Go Viral

“YouTube channels posing as American news outlets racked up millions of views on false and inflammatory videos over several months this year,” reports CNN. “All with the help of YouTube’s recommendation engine.”
Many of the accounts, which mostly used footage from CNN, but also employed some video from Fox News, exploited a YouTube feature that automatically creates channels on certain topics. Those…

How Fake News Is Still Fooling Facebook’s Fact-Checking Systems

Slashdot reader peterthegreat321 shared an article from Medium’s technology blog OneZero revealing the “cracks, loopholes, and limitations in Facebook’s systems that bad actors are busily exploiting.” Facebook says it’s proud of the progress it has made, though it acknowledges there’s more to be done. “Multiple independent studies have found that we’ve cut the amount of fake news on Facebook by more…