Can Artificial Intelligence Restore 85-Year-Old Popeye Cartoons?

A Slashdot reader shared an anonymous tip about “new consumer-grade artificial intelligence employed to restore 85 year-old Popeye cartoons, using only the available digital copies as sources for the remastering.” It’s eerie to see vintage cartoons like Popeye the Sailor meets Sindbad the Sailor upgraded to high resolution. It’s apparently the work of Cartoon Renewal Studios, a group “Dedicated to the…

The Impractical but Indisputable Rise of Retrocomputing

For all the personal technology introduced and popularized in 2020 — upscale fitness bikes, at-home Covid tests, game consoles new and old — the personal computer lands on the list with a bit of a thud. PCs lack the novelty of other gadgets, but they’re practical, essential even, in a year when work, school and social life have come to rely…

Can chemistry replicate the flavour of vintage whisky overnight?

The finest whiskies are left to mature, sometimes for decades, but several companies claim to be creating similarly delicious drams in the lab in just a few hours. We put one to the test Source:…

Is Microsoft’s ‘Find Your Joy’ Holiday Ad Sad?

There’s a zany twist at the end, because “This year more than ever, we felt that it was important to give people a little lift, to remind them that while we are facing a lot of challenges, there are many ways we can connect, be productive and enjoy the time we have at home,” Microsoft’s VP of brand, advertising, and research…

Celebrate Intel’s 4004 Microprocessor Turning 49 Today

Tim McNerney is the project leader at, a site commemorating Intel’s original 4004 microprocessor. He’s also long-time Slashdot reader mcpublic, and shares news of a new open source adapter — plus a great moment chip history: Even though Intel debuted its groundbreaking 4004 on November 15th, 1971, 49 years ago today, in the pages of Electronics News, there is something…

EFF Argues RIAA is ‘Abusing DMCA’ to Take Down YouTube-DL

While the RIAA has objected to a tool for downloading online videos, EFF senior activist Elliot Harmon responds with this question. “Who died and put them in charge of YouTube?” He asks the question in a new video “explainer” on the controversy, and argues in a new piece at that the youtube-dl tool “doesn’t infringe on any RIAA copyrights.” RIAA’s…

New NASA posters feature cosmic frights for Halloween

Check out these 3 new posters from NASA’s Galaxy of Horrors, featuring cosmic frights for Halloween. They’re free to download, and available in English and Spanish. Source:…

Apple Officially Obsoletes Last iPod Nano Model

As expected, Apple has added the seventh-generation iPod nano to its list of Vintage and Obsolete products, officially designating the last iPod in the iconic nano lineup as “vintage.” MacRumors reports: The vintage products list features devices that have not been updated for more than five years and less than seven years. After products pass the seven year mark, they are…

Developers Try Again To Upstream Motorola 68000 Series Support In LLVM

Hobbyist developers are trying once again to get a Motorola 68000 back-end merged into the upstream LLVM compiler. Phoronix reports: The Motorola 68000 series processors have been around since the 80’s thanks to the likes of the early Apple Macintosh computers. Fast forward to 2020, the Motorola 68000 is still a popular target for vintage computer enthusiasts and hobbyists. Community developers…