Big data to model the evolution of the cosmic web

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has led an international team which has developed an algorithm called COSMIC BIRTH to analyze large scale cosmic structures. This new computation method will permit the analysis of the evolution of the structure of dark matter from the early universe until the formation of present day galaxies. This work was recently published in the…

Does the Human Brain Resemble the Universe?

“Does the human brain resemble the Universe?” teases an announcement that an astrophysicist of the University of Bologna and a neurosurgeon of the University of Verona “compared the network of neuronal cells in the human brain with the cosmic network of galaxies…and surprising similarities emerged.” Slashdot reader Iwastheone shares their report: Despite the substantial difference in scale between the two networks…

Has the hidden matter of the universe been discovered?

Astrophysicists consider that around 40% of the ordinary matter that makes up stars, planets and galaxies remains undetected, concealed in the form of a hot gas in the complex cosmic web. Today, scientists at the Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay) may have detected, for the first time, this hidden matter through an innovative statistical analysis of 20-year-old data. Their findings are…

New NASA posters feature cosmic frights for Halloween

Check out these 3 new posters from NASA’s Galaxy of Horrors, featuring cosmic frights for Halloween. They’re free to download, and available in English and Spanish. Source:…

What is a galaxy?

We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. But there is so much more to know about these grand and glorious star islands in space! Click in here, and prepare to have your mind expanded. Source:…

Scientists probe dark matter in a virtual universe

The new work reveals dark matter haloes as active regions of the sky, teeming with not only galaxies, but also radiation-emitting collisions that could make it possible to find dark matter haloes in the real sky. Source:…

The cosmic web that connects galaxies together may be spinning

Galaxies across the universe are connected by bridge-like filaments of matter that are the largest structures in the cosmos, and they seem to be spinning Source:…

Has mystery of universe’s missing matter been solved?

Cosmologists have only been able to find half the matter that should exist in the universe. With the discovery of a new astronomical phenomenon and new telescopes, these researchers say they’ve just found the rest. Source:…

Ultra-diffuse galaxy VCC 1287 investigated in detail

Astronomers have probed an ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) known as VCC 1287 with the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) in order to investigate its nature. The new results provide essential information about the galaxy’s mass and stellar kinematics. The study was presented in a paper published May 6 on Source:…