What you eat is influenced by the food choices of people you dine with

You are more likely to eat healthy foods if your dining companions eat healthily, or vice versa, according to a study of 39,000 students and staff at a university Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2269410-what-you-eat-is-influenced-by-the-food-choices-of-people-you-dine-with/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Bull’s head: The Hyades star cluster

Meet the bright star Aldebaran, part of a V-shaped pattern of stars called the Hyades. This easy-to-find star cluster represents the face of Taurus the Bull. Source: https://earthsky.org/favorite-star-patterns/v-shaped-hyades-star-cluster-easy-to-find…

A New Release For GNU Octave

Long-time Slashdot reader lee1 shares his recent article from LWN: On November 26, version 6.1 of GNU Octave, a language and environment for numerical computing, was released. There are several new features and enhancements in the new version, including improvements to graphics output, better communication with web services, and over 40 new functions… In the words of its manual: GNU Octave…

Moon, Venus, Mercury before daybreak

These next several days, watch as the waning crescent moon joins up with the planets Mercury and Venus, plus the star Spica, in the eastern predawn/dawn sky. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-venus-mercury-before-daybreak…

Watch for Mercury, below Venus, during the week of November 10

For northerly latitudes, the coming week presents a golden opportunity to spot the most elusive bright planet – Mercury – in the east before sunup. The waning crescent moon, and dazzling Venus, can help you find it. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/mercury-beneath-venus-before-dawn…

Google Photos Tests Locking Color Pop Behind a Google One Paywall

According to XDA Developers, Google is testing locking the Color Pop feature in the Google Photos app behind a paywall, requiring users to sign up for a Google One subscription to access this feature, and presumably other photo-editing features in the future. From the report: Shortly after we published our teardown of Google Photos 5.18 confirming that a Google One paywall…

Life-hunting Perseverance rover is halfway to Mars

NASA announced that its Perseverance rover mission – which will search for evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars – has now passed the halfway mark in its journey to the planet. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/perservance-rover-halfway-to-mars-nasa-astrobiology…

Watch for Mars and the full Harvest Moon

The Northern Hemisphere’s Harvest Moon is always the full moon falling the closest to the autumnal equinox. It’s coming up in 2020 on October 1 or 2. What’s more, this Harvest Moon will be near Mars! Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/full-harvest-moon-on-october-1-2020…

SoftBank Unmasked As ‘Nasdaq Whale’ That Stoked Tech Rally

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: Japan’s SoftBank was reportedly the “Nasdaq whale,” that bought billions of dollars in individual stock options in big tech companies over the past month, driving up volumes and contributing to a trading frenzy. Softbank declined comment on a Financial Times story that quoted unnamed sources who said it was buying equity derivatives on…

Moon, Jupiter, Saturn August 27-29

These next several evenings – August 27, 28 and 29, 2020 – watch for the waxing gibbous to flit by the gas giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-jupiter-saturn-august-27-29…