Looking for pieces of Venus? Try the moon

A growing body of research suggests the planet Venus may have had an Earth-like environment billions of years ago, with water and a thin atmosphere. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-10-pieces-venus-moon.html…

Large asteroid will pass safely November 29, closer in subsequent flybys

A large asteroid will pass Earth at more than 11 times the moon’s distance on November 29, 2020, and will approach more closely in later flybys. Charts here for telescope users. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/asteroid-2000-wo107-nov-2020-flyby-then-closer…

Mars closest to Earth October 6

On October 6, 2020, Earth sweeps closer to the red planet Mars than it will again for another 15 years. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/mars-closest-to-earth-october-6…

Meet the Pi planet. It orbits its star every 3.14 days

In a fun cosmic coincidence, researchers used old Kepler spacecraft data to discover an Earth-sized exoplanet with an orbital period of 3.14 days, a number that matches the mathematical constant pi. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/pi-exoplanet-k2-315b-has-3-14-day-orbit…

Top 4 most promising worlds for alien life in the solar system

Where are the other most promising locations for extraterrestrial life in our solar system? Source: https://earthsky.org/space/et-alien-life-most-likely-worlds-solar-system…

Photos of the beautiful Venus-Regulus conjunction

The brightest planet Venus has been blazing in the east before sunrise for some months. In late September and early October, the bright star Regulus – Heart of the Lion in Leo – swept past it. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/photos-venus-regulus-conjunction-october-2020…

Moon and Mars rendezvous in early October

The moon and Mars are near each other on the sky’s dome on the night of October 2, 2020. From South America, the moon will appear to occult (cover over) Mars. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-mars-rendezvous-in-early-october…

Favorite photos of 2020’s Harvest Moon

Every year at this time, people in the Northern Hemisphere witness the legendary Harvest Moon. Bookmark this post. This is where we’ll be posting new Harvest Moon photos from the EarthSky community. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/photos-2020-harvest-moon-earthsky-community…

NASA may have found signs of life on Venus in 1978 without realising

After the observation of phosphine gas on Venus, which may be a sign of life there, a new search through old data has found hints of the gas and more Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2256078-nasa-may-have-found-signs-of-life-on-venus-in-1978-without-realising/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…