See the Winter Circle before dawn

These next few days, before daybreak, let Venus, the 3rd-brightest celestial body, after the sun and moon, respectively, serve as your guide to the majestic Winter Circle. Source:…

Astronomers issue report on the effect of ‘satellite constellations’ on astronomy

A new report concludes that large constellations of bright satellites in low-Earth orbit will fundamentally change ground-based astronomy and impact the appearance of the night sky for stargazers worldwide. Source:…

Young moon and Spica, west after sunset

We expect many people around the world to catch the whisker-thin waxing crescent after sunset August 20. If you miss the slender young moon at dusk on August 20, give it another try on August 21, 22 and 23. Source:…

Comet NEOWISE and globular star cluster M53

Comet NEOWISE is now heading out of the inner solar system. It probably can’t be seen with the eye now, although large binoculars can still pick it up. Here’s a beautiful telescopic image of the comet, near the globular star cluster M53. Source:…

Larry King Duped Into ‘Disinfomercial’ on Social Media By China (and Possibly Russia)

For 25 years, until 2010, Larry King had a live interview show on CNN. But now ProPublica reports “In the twilight of a remarkable radio and television career spanning more than six decades, battling health problems but determined to stay in the public eye, King was ensnared in an international disinformation scheme.” It involved filming Larry King asking questions, and then…

Planetary alignment? Increase in volcanoes?

The book called “The Jupiter Effect” suggested an alignment of planets in 1982 would cause earthly catastrophes, including a great earthquake on California’s San Andreas Fault. There’s another planetary alignment, of sorts, going on now. Will it cause volcanic eruptions? Charts, and info, from Guy Ottewell. Source:…

Watch the moon shed its shadow

Because the moon moves eastward (away from the setting sun) at the rate of about 13 degrees per day, watch for the young moon to shed its shadow as it waxes (increases) in age. Source:…

Full moon, faint eclipse, on July 4-5

The penumbral lunar eclipse of July 4-5, 2020 will be so nearly imperceptible that some will see nothing even while staring at it. Then again … very observant people will notice something strange happening on the moon, without knowing an eclipse is taking place. Who will see it (or not) in this post. Source:…

Young moon after sunset June 22, 23 and 24

These next several days – June 22, 23 and 24, 2020 – watch for the young waxing crescent moon to adorn the western evening dusk. Source:…