Watch for Mercury, below Venus, during the week of November 10

For northerly latitudes, the coming week presents a golden opportunity to spot the most elusive bright planet – Mercury – in the east before sunup. The waning crescent moon, and dazzling Venus, can help you find it. Source:…

Favorite photos of October’s young moon

In the past few days, several EarthSky Community members around the world shared their photos of the young moon, a thin crescent in the west after sunset. Beautiful! Thanks to all who contributed. Source:…

Birth of young moon at day’s end, October 17-20

You might or might not see the moon on October 17, 2020. But you’ll more easily catch it on October 18, 19 or 20. Look west after sunset! Source:…

Moon, Jupiter, Saturn in September 2020

Did you miss the moon’s sweep this week past our solar system’s biggest planets, Jupiter and Saturn? Here are a few photos – from the EarthSky Community – of that glorious night sky scene. Source:…

Mercury in the west after sunset

Live in the Southern Hemisphere? Take advantage of your golden opportunity to view Mercury in the evening sky now. Live in the Northern Hemisphere? Give Mercury a try after sunset! You might see it. Source:…

The moon, Jupiter and Saturn September 23 to 26

On September 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2020, the moon can guide your eye to the solar system’s 2 biggest gas giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Source:…

What’s the youngest moon you can see with your eye alone?

It has long been a sport for skywatchers to spot the youngest possible crescent moon after sunset, with the eye alone. What does it take to see a very young moon? Details here. Source:…

Moon and Venus adorn the morning September 13 to 15

On the mornings of September 13, 14 and 15, 2020, look for the waning crescent moon and the dazzling planet Venus in the eastern sky before sunrise. Source:…

Full Corn Moon on September 1-2

Tonight – September 1-2, 2020 – presents the third and final full moon of a Northern Hemisphere summer (Southern Hemisphere winter). Source:…