NASA’s OSIRIS-REx to fly a farewell tour of Bennu

On April 7, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission will give asteroid Bennu one last glance before saying farewell. Before departing for Earth on May 10, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will perform a final flyby of Bennu—capturing its last images of sample collection site Nightingale to look for transformations on Bennu’s surface after the Oct. 20, 2020, sample collection event. Source:…

Is Virtual Burning Man the Internet’s Ultimate Test?

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece from The New York Times, written by Neil Shister, author of “Radical Ritual: How Burning Man Changed the World.” Here’s an excerpt: In perhaps the ultimate test of whether the internet can satisfyingly replicate the real world, Burning Man has gone online this year. The notion isn’t as much of a mismatch as it…

Frances E. Allen, the First Woman To Win the Turing Award, Dies At 88

Frances “Fran” Allen, a pioneer in the world of computing, the first female IBM Fellow and the first woman to win the Turing Award, died on August 4, 2020, the day of her 88th birthday. IBM writes in a blog post remembering Allen: As a pioneer in compiler organization and optimization algorithms, Fran made seminal contributions to the world of computing….

Latest online courses in data science, tech, and health in 2020

With new courses launching every week, there’s always something to explore. These new courses cover everything from using TensorFlow to deploy machine learning models to the tools public health experts use to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases. What will you learn next?  Data Science TensorFlow: Data and Deployment Specialization by  Industries all around […]
The post Latest online courses in…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – February 2020

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant February was a special month at Coursera: we officially launched Rhyme Projects for enterprise. Coursera acquired Rhyme Softworks last year to augment our abilities to create and share hand-on projects with learners. Projects allow learners to work on a task in their browser while following a self-paced or […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

More Than 11,000 Scientists From Around the World Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The world’s people face “untold suffering due to the climate crisis” unless there are major transformations to global society, according to a stark warning from more than 11,000 scientists. “We declare clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency,” it states. “To secure a sustainable future, we must change…