The NSA’s Guidelines for Protecting Location Data

American’s National Security Agency (NSA) “has shared new guidance with U.S. military and intelligence personnel, suggesting they take additional precautions to safeguard their location data,” reports Engadget. “The agency argues the information devices and apps collect can pose a national security threat.” Ars Technica reports:
The National Security Agency is recommending that some government workers and people generally concerned about privacy turn…

It’s Official: EU Launches Antitrust Probe Into Google’s Fitbit Takeover

It was rumored last week and now it’s official: the European Commission announced it is launching an in-depth antitrust investigation into Google’s $2.1 billion bid for Fitbit. CNN reports: The European Union’s top antitrust regulator said it is concerned that the takeover would further strengthen Google’s market position in online advertising by “increasing the already vast amount of data that Google…

Apple’s Limits on Third-Party ‘Find My’ Integration Under Scrutiny

An anonymous reader shares a reporrt: Apple last month introduced the new “Find My” Network Accessory Program, built to allow third-party products to work with Apple’s own Find My app. While Apple’s AirTags have yet to be formally announced, this program was seen as a way for Apple to level the playing field with competing Bluetooth location trackers, like Tile, and…

Google Bans Stalkerware Ads

Google announced plans this week to ban ads that promote stalkerware, spyware, and other forms of surveillance technology that can be used to track other persons without their specific consent. From a report: The change was announced this week as part of an upcoming update to Google Ads policies, set to enter into effect next month, on August 11, 2020. Examples…

Firefox 78: Protections Dashboard, New Developer Features, and the End of the Line For Older MacOS Versions

williamyf shares a report from The Register: Mozilla has released Firefox 78 with a new Protections Dashboard and a bunch of updates for web developers. This is also the last supported version of Firefox for macOS El Capitan (10.11) and earlier. Firefox is on a “rapid release plan,” which means a new version every four to five weeks. This means that…

Find My Tracking In iOS 14 Will Locate Third-Party Devices

Apple’s Find My tracking feature in iOS 14 will allow users to find third-party devices. Engadget reports: A draft specification for hardware makers is available now, although you’ll clearly have to wait until both the general release of iOS 14 and finished implementations for those gadgets. A completed spec should be available by the end of 2020. This could be a…

Vivaldi Browser Gets Built-in Tracking Blocker, Goes GA on Android

Vivaldi, the browser launched by former Opera CEO Jon von Tetzchner, has long positioned itself as a highly customizable alternative to Chrome and Firefox for power users. Today, the team is launching version 3.0 of its desktop browser, with built-in tracker and ad blockers, and it’s bringing its Android browser out of beta. From a report: I’ve long been a fan…

Doc Searls: ‘Zoom Needs to Clean Up Its Privacy Act’

The former editor-in-chief of the Linux Journal just published an annotated version of Zoom’s privacy policy. Searls calls it “creepily chummy with the tracking-based advertising biz (also called adtech).
I’ll narrow my inquiry down to the “Does Zoom sell Personal Data?” section of the privacy policy, which was last updated on March 18. The section runs two paragraphs, and I’ll comment on…

Experts Say the Internet Will Mostly Stay Online During Coronavirus Pandemic

As millions of Americans hunker down to slow the spread of COVID-19, U.S. broadband networks are seeing a significant spike in usage. While industry insiders say that the U.S. internet should be able to handle the strain overall, broadband availability, affordability, and slow speeds could still pose a serious problem for many housebound U.S. residents. From a report: In a blog…

Apple Watch Blood Oxygen Detection Feature Found In iOS 14 Code Snippet

Apple Watch will add the ability to detect blood oxygen levels for the first time, 9to5Mac has learned based on an exclusive look at iOS 14 code snippets. From the report: Blood oxygen levels between 95 and 100% are considered healthy; blood oxygen levels below 80% may lead to compromised heart and brain functionality. Risk of respiratory or cardiac arrest is…