Apple, Cloudflare, and Fastly Propose a New Privacy-Focused DNS Standard Called ‘Oblivious DoH’

“Cloudflare, Apple, and Fastly have co-designed and proposed a new DNS standard to tackle ongoing privacy issues associated with DNS,” reports ZDNet. Cloudflare calls it “a practical approach for improving privacy” that “aims to improve the overall adoption of encrypted DNS protocols without compromising performance and user experience…” Third-parties, such as ISPs, find it more difficult to trace website visits when…

Cloudflare and Apple Design a New Privacy-Friendly Internet Protocol

Engineers at Cloudflare and Apple say they’ve developed a new internet protocol that will shore up one of the biggest holes in internet privacy that many don’t know even exists. Dubbed Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS, or ODoH for short, the new protocol makes it far more difficult for internet providers to know which websites you visit. From a report: […] Recent developments like…

US Congress Passes an IoT Security Bill ‘That Doesn’t Totally Suck’

Shotgun (Slashdot reader #30,919) shared these thoughts from The Register: Every now and again the U.S. Congress manages to do its job and yesterday was one of those days: the Senate passed a new IoT cybersecurity piece of legislation that the House also approved, and it will now move to the President’s desk. As we noted back in March when the…

Google, Facebook and Twitter Threaten To Leave Pakistan Over Censorship Law

Global internet companies Facebook, Google and Twitter and others have banded together and threatened to leave Pakistan after the South Asian nation granted blanket powers to local regulators to censor digital content. From a report: Earlier this week, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan granted the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority the power to remove and block digital content that pose “harms, intimidates or…

RIAA Obtains Subpoenas Targeting 40 YouTube-Ripping Platforms and Pirate Sites

An anonymous reader shares a report: The RIAA is ramping up the pressure on a wide range of platforms allegedly involved in music piracy. Two DMCA subpoenas obtained against Cloudflare and Namecheap require the companies to hand over all information they hold on more than 40 torrent sites, streaming portals and YouTube-ripping services. Also included in the mix are several file-hosting…

Cloudflare Offers ‘Isolated’ Cloud-Based Browser, Plus a Network-as-a-Service Solution

Cloudflare has released the beta of its new “browser isolation” service, which runs a web browser in the cloud, reports TechRadar. As more and more computing is done inside a browser as opposed to on a system itself, many enterprise organizations have begun to deploy browser isolation services where the browser doesn’t actually run on a user’s computer. Instead the browser…

Cloudflare’s Privacy Crusade Continues With a Challenge To Google Analytics

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Fortune: Cloudflare is launching a privacy-friendly rival to Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free toolkit that’s used by website administrators across the globe to help them track the behavior of the people visiting those sites — how they find them, what they do there, the devices they’re using, and so on. However, the…

Cloudflare and the Wayback Machine, Joining Forces For a More Reliable Web

Cloudflare and the Internet Archive are now working together to help make the web more reliable. Websites that enable Cloudflare’s Always Online service will now have their content automatically archived, and if by chance the original host is not available to Cloudflare, then the Internet Archive will step in to make sure the pages get through to users. From a report:…

CenturyLink Outage Led To a 3.5% Drop in Global Web Traffic

US internet service provider CenturyLink has suffered a major technical outage on Sunday after a misconfiguration in one of its data centers created havoc all over the internet. From a report Due to the technical nature of the outage — involving both firewall and BGP routing — the error spread outward from CenturyLink’s network and also impacted other internet service providers,…

Major Internet Outage: Dozens of Sites are Down

“Cloudflare, an internet service that is supposed to keep websites up and running, was down itself Sunday, taking dozens of websites and online services along with it,” reports CNN: Hulu, the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Feedly, Discord, and dozens of other services reported connectivity problems Sunday morning. Cloudflare said the problem was with a third-party “transit provider,” and its service was…