Nikon Is Ending 70 Years of Camera Production in Japan

An anonymous reader shares a report: The Japanese website Asahi reports that Nikon is ending the production of cameras in Japan and moving all production to Thailand. This is simply Nikon’s attempt to cut costs as much as it gets. Don’t think this is enough to make them stay in the business.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

2020 in review: The countries that got covid-19 under control

While the coronavirus continues to rampage in many parts of the world, countries including China, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan and South Korea are returning to normality Source:…

What’s the birthstone for December?

If you were born December, you’ve got 2 birthstones, turquoise and zircon. Source:…

From Thailand To Indonesia, Taxes Tighten for Digital Businesses

Governments across the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are moving to impose more taxes on digital companies, stirring unease among multinational internet businesses that have boomed amid the coronavirus pandemic. From a report: From Thailand to Indonesia, new levies have kicked in or are being introduced. They threaten to chip away at the earnings of technology companies that are reaping benefits…

To Avoid Prison For Leaving Bad Hotel Reviews Online, An American in Thailand Must Apologize

The New York Times reports:
He’s very, very sorry. But the hotel in Thailand that threatened an American guest with prison for his bad reviews may end up with bigger regrets. Wesley Barnes, the American guest, publicly apologized on Friday for his blunt online reviews of the Sea View Koh Chang resort in Thailand. In exchange, the hotel promised it would drop…

Thailand Launches Its First Legal Action Against Facebook and Twitter

Reuters reports:
Thailand launched legal action on Thursday against tech giants Facebook and Twitter for ignoring requests to take down content, in its first such move against major internet firms… “Unless the companies send their representatives to negotiate, police can bring criminal cases against them,” the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, Puttipong Punnakanta, told reporters. “But if they do, and acknowledge…

Hope Frozen review: The hard ethics of cryogenically freezing a child

Netflix’s Hope Frozen documentary follows a family in Thailand that cryogenically freezes their 2-year-old daughter’s brain after she dies, creating a controversy-fuelled media storm Source:…

Facebook Blocks Group of One Million Critical of Thai Monarchy Amid Government Pressure

Facebook on Monday blocked access within Thailand to a group with 1 million members that discusses the country’s king, after the Thai government threatened legal action over failure to take down content deemed defamatory to the monarchy. From a report: The move comes amid near daily youth-led protests against the government led by the former military junta chief and unprecedented calls…

Is Work Easier For ‘Digital Nomads’?

A digital nomad describes what no one ever warns you about after selling everything and then travelling to Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand “before doing the Working Holiday Visa thing in Australia and New Zealand.” It was the greatest solo travel adventure of my life and I loved it. That said, I’ve had some time to reflect on my experience and…

Face Masks Offer More Protection from Coronavirus Than Many Think

Face masks “offer much more protection against coronavirus than many think,” reports the Los Angeles Times. [Alternate version here ….] There’s a common refrain that masks don’t protect you; they protect other people from your own germs, which is especially important to keep unknowingly infected people from spreading the coronavirus. But now, there’s mounting evidence that masks also protect you. If…