New Universal Basic Income Experiment Finds 40% of Money Spent On Food

“The first data from an experiment in a California city where needy people get $500 a month from the government shows they spend most of it on things such as food, clothing and utility bills,” reports the Associated Press: The 18-month, privately funded program started in February and involves 125 people in Stockton…. But critics say the experiment likely won’t provide…

Word of the week: Electromagnetic spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum describes all the wavelengths of light, both seen and unseen. Source:…

New York Attorney General is Investigating Facebook For Possible Antitrust Violations

New York State Attorney General Letitia James announced Friday she is launching a multistate investigation into Facebook for possible antitrust violations. From a report: Attorneys general of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee and the District of Columbia will join the probe, according to the announcement. It will focus “on Facebook’s dominance in the industry and the potential anticompetitive…

Amazon Ring Alert Leads To Capture of ‘Extremely Dangerous’ Escaped Convict

ABC News describes how Amazon’s surveillance doorbell cameras today led to the capture of an “extremely dangerous” inmate: Homicide suspect Curtis Watson, 44, escaped from work detail on a tractor at the West Tennessee State Penitentiary in Henning, Tennessee, about 50 miles northeast of Memphis, on Wednesday. The tractor was later found about a mile away from the prison. Around 3:30…

How fireflies glow and what signals they’re sending

Are the gentle blinks of fireflies flashing a favorite part of your summer evenings? An entomologist explains some lightning bug basics. Source:…

Researchers Awaken Ancient Lifeforms Exposed By Thawing Ice Caps and Permafrost

“Researchers in a warming Arctic are discovering organisms, frozen and presumed dead for millennia, that can bear life anew,” reports the Washington Post: These ice age zombies range from simple bacteria to multicellular animals, and their endurance is prompting scientists to revise their understanding of what it means to survive… Mosses have forged a tougher path. They desiccate when temperatures plummet,…

21.16 – MU Podcast

Mavis Pittilla was initially a reluctant psychic. After a strange experience she began to see dead people Sixth Sense style and didn’t like it! On this episode of Mysterious Universe we follow her incredible story which involves psychic interactions with helper spirits and time portals in far away lands. Then in our Plus+ extension we… Read more » Source:…

Evangelicals are now the key constituency in the Republican Party. They are reaping the benefits. 


26 States Now Ban Or Restrict Community Broadband, Report Finds

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: A new report has found that 26 states now either restrict or outright prohibit towns and cities from building their own broadband networks. Quite often the laws are directly written by the telecom sector, and in some instances ban towns and cities from building their own broadband networks — even if the local…