Both Apple and Amazon Are Quietly Building Networks That Know the Location of Everything

Wired reports on both Sidewalk, Amazon’s new low-bandwidth long-range wireless networking protocol, and Apple’s new position- and distance-measuring U1 chip (mentioned in a recent keynote). Apple’s U1 chip — which allows precise, indoor positional tracking via the latest iPhones and will power, at the very least, directional AirDrop file-sharing — popped up on screen but was never even mentioned. The interest-piquing…

Richard Stallman Addresses ‘Speculation and Rumor’ About His Appearance at Microsoft

This week Richard Stallman responded to “a certain amount of speculation and rumor” about his recent talk at Microsoft, addressing dark suggestions that, for example, Microsoft might’ve hoped to seduce Stallman away from the free software cause. “I resisted Steve Jobs’s snow job in 1989 or 1990; I am no easy mark for those who want me to change my views…….

Apple’s iOS 13 Just Launched But iOS 13.1, iPadOS Arrive Next Week

Apple’s latest iPhone software, iOS 13, is now available — but on Tuesday, you’ll already be able to download the first update, iOS 13.1. And you’ll be able to revitalize your iPad with Apple’s software created for its tablets. From a report: Apple may be best known for its hardware, but it’s really the seamless integration of its devices with its…

Disney CEO Bob Iger Resigns From Apple Board As Companies Come Into Conflict On Streaming

Disney CEO Bob Iger has resigned from Apple’s board of directors, Apple said in an SEC filing on Friday. CNBC reports: Disney is launching streaming video service Disney+ on Nov. 12, which will compete with Apple’s Apple TV+ service, scheduled to become available on Nov. 1. Iger resigned on Sept. 10, the day Apple announced the price and release date for…

Founders of Successful Tech Companies Are Mostly Middle-Aged

After analyzing high-growth companies in the United States, a team of economists discovered that most superstar entrepreneurs are middle-aged. Their study is being published in the journal American Economic Review: Insights. The New York Times reports: The researchers looked at start-ups established between 2007 and 2014 and analyzed the top 0.1 percent — defined as those with the fastest growth in…

5 Ingredients of an Entrepreneurial Mindset – According to Top Innovators

Whether you’re building your startup or pursuing “intrapreneurial” ventures within an established company, the journey of an innovator can be a rollercoaster of thrilling highs – and challenging lows. That’s why success isn’t just about having an entrepreneurial skillset – it’s about having the right mindset to carry you through the inevitable tough times.  You […]
The post 5 Ingredients of an…

Bill Gates Shares His Memories of Steve Jobs

BGR reports:
Bill Gates would like you to know that the reason his late rival was able to resuscitate Apple and take the iPhone maker from near-death to being the most valuable company in the world is that Steve Jobs was so successful at making people believe in an idea. Or, as Gates puts it, that Jobs was so good at “casting…

‘Apple is Not in Trouble Because Jony Ive is Leaving, It Is in Trouble Because He’s Not Being Replaced’

Apple’s chief design officer announced on Thursday that he is leaving the company after nearly 30 years at the firm. John Gruber of DaringFireball making sense of things and what it means for the company: I’ve never been an “Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs” person. But part of what made Apple the Apple we know in the post-1997 era is…

The Invention of USB, ‘The Port That Changed Everything’

harrymcc shares a Fast Company article about “the generally gnarly process once required to hook up peripherals” in the late 1990s — and one Intel engineer who saw the need for “one plug to rule them all.” In the olden days, plugging something into your computer — a mouse, a printer, a hard drive — required a zoo of cables. Maybe…

iTunes Expected To Be Retired After Over 18 Years

While it was initially reported that iTunes would live on in macOS 10.15, it now looks like the app will be retired, over 18 years after it was introduced by the late Steve Jobs at Macworld on January 9, 2001. MacRumors reports: Apple will be replacing iTunes with standalone Music, TV, and Podcasts apps in the next major version of macOS,…