House Plants Have Little Effect on Indoor Air Quality, Study Concludes

New research from a duo of environmental engineers at Drexel University is suggesting the decades-old claim that house plants improve indoor air quality is entirely wrong. Evaluating 30 years of studies, the research concludes it would take hundreds of plants in a small space to even come close to the air purifying effects of simply opening a couple of windows. From…

Edmond Halley’s magnificent prediction

Born on today’s date in the year 1656, English astronomer and mathematician Edmond Halley was the first to predict the return of a comet. Today, Halley’s Comet – the most famous of all comets – bears his name. Source:…

California Wildfires Spark Interest In DIY Home Protection

As California struggles through a wildfire season that has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee and burned hundreds of homes, researchers are seeking ways to protect buildings including by wrapping them in “fire blankets.” Reuters reports: Last month, Fumiaki Takahashi, a professor at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, published the findings of 10 years of research on the…

Peer out our galaxy’s south window

Visualize looking from our Milky Way galaxy’s flat star-rich disk, into intergalactic space. Source:…

Xiaomi Launches Mi Watch, Its $185 Apple Watch Clone

Xiaomi, which competes with Apple for the top position in the wearable market, today made the competition a little more interesting. The Chinese electronics giant has launched its first smartwatch called the Mi Watch that looks strikingly similar to the Apple Watch in its home market. From a report: The Mi Watch, like the Apple Watch, has a square body with…

Digital Authoritarianism Is On the Rise Around the World, Report Warns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNET: Internet freedom declined for a ninth consecutive year as governments around the world used social media to monitor citizens and manipulate elections, according to a new study that warned of creeping “digital authoritarianism.” Thirty-three of the 65 countries surveyed were found to have experienced worsening internet freedom since June 2018, compared with 16…

Waymo Complains California’s Government Says Its Robotaxi Service Must Be Free For Now

“Waymo wants to deploy a robotaxi service for the general public in parts of California as soon as possible,” reports the Los Angeles Times. “But that’s unlikely, the company says, because California says it has to offer the service for free.” Last year, the California Public Utilities Commission allowed driverless “robotaxi” pilot programs in the state but banned permit-holders from charging…

Lab Cultured ‘Steaks’ Grown On An Artificial Gelatin Scaffold

Harvard University researchers have found a way to simulate real meat by growing cow and rabbit muscle cells on a scaffold made out of gelatin. Engadget reports: In the body, cells don’t just sit there in a pile. They get physical support from water, collagen proteins and nutrients, which help the cells grown and align. “To grow muscle tissues that resembled…