Remembering Legendary Paranormal Investigator Lorraine Warren

The paranormal world is remembering legendary investigator Lorraine Warren, who passed away on April 18 at the age of 92. With her husband Ed, Lorraine Warren was involved in thousands of paranormal investigations of ghosts and hauntings, including a number of famous ones which were reported in the mainstream news and made into blockbuster movies,… Read more » Source:…

Strange and Frightening Encounters With Forest Spirits

Throughout all of human history the forests of our world have always held a special allure. The trees have birthed countless legends and myths, as well as spawned all manner of forest entities, sprites, and spirits. Just walking amongst the tranquil woods one can feel why this might be so, as it is a place… Read more » Source:…

Large Rocks Mysteriously Fall From the Sky in India

Rocks mysteriously falling from the sky is one of the classic Fortean phenomena described in Charles Forte’s “Book of the Damned.” Often blamed on poltergeists, pranksters, weather or Bigfoot, these dangerous events are reported frequently in India, which is where the latest occurrence originates. Residents of Raigarh say they now fear nightfall after large rocks… Read more » Source:…

The Mysterious Moss Man of Florida

The thick swamps of Florida can be a spooky place to say the least, their tangles of cypress trees, vines, and brush clouded with mosquitoes and infested by all manner of insects and snakes, the murky, muddy waters prowled by alligators lying in wait for the unwary. When the sun goes down the swamp comes… Read more » Source:…

The Ground Rules of Life & Existence

Jed Shlackman – Have you ever considered the idea that you create your own personal reality? Source:…

Paranormal Encounters at Japan’s Haunted Suicide Forest

At the foot of Japan’s iconic Mt. Fuji, lying sprawled amongst some of the most majestic scenery in Japan, lies the haunted destination of broken souls known as Aokigahara, often referred to as the “Sea of Trees” and more infamously as the demon infested “Suicide Forest.” Aokigahara Forest lies at the northwest base of the picturesque… Continue reading Paranormal Encounters at Japan’s Haunted Suicide Forest

Mysterious Cherokee Inscriptions in Alabama Cave Decoded

Fun fact: I’m not named after a tree. Nor am I named after a popular large SUV. I, like a great many other folks, am named after a person far cooler than I will ever be. Sequoyah was a Cherokee silversmith who lived from 1770 to 1843 who accomplished something pretty unreasonably awesome. He created,… Continue reading Mysterious Cherokee Inscriptions in Alabama Cave Decoded

The Ghosts of Notre-Dame Cathedral

The tragic and extensive fire at the beautiful and historic Notre-Dame de Paris — Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris — sent waves of shock and sadness around the world. No matter your religion or whether you’ve seen it in person or in pictures, its iconic towers, stunning works of art, terrifying gargoyles and historical significance are… Continue reading The Ghosts of Notre-Dame Cathedral

More People Are Coming Forward With Ghostly Images Captured On Google Maps

Many people around the world use Google Maps for upcoming trips or to look at different locations around Earth. But can you image searching for a location and finding a ghostly apparition at that spot? Well, that’s exactly what happened to numerous Google Maps users and more people are coming forward with their eerie-looking findings.… Continue reading More People Are Coming Forward With Ghostly Images Captured On Google Maps

Haunted Former Sanatorium And Residence Hall Set To Be Demolished

A 95-year-old building called Wilson Hall in Oxford, Ohio, is set to be demolished this summer and will be replaced with green space. The former residence hall that housed university students until the 2015-16 school year, was once a sanatorium for women who suffered from mental and emotional disorders as well as addiction problems. The… Continue reading Haunted Former Sanatorium And Residence Hall Set To Be Demolished