Joshua trees facing extinction

They outlived mammoths and saber-toothed tigers. But new research suggests that without dramatic action to reduce climate change, Joshua trees won’t survive much past this century. Source:…

Corals spreading to subtropical waters

While coral populations are declining in tropical waters, scientists have just detected an increase in subtropical areas, which could be good news for corals. Source:…

Ancient hyenas roamed the Arctic

The ice age hyenas may have hunted caribou and horses, or scavenged carcasses of mammoths on a cold treeless tundra, says a study of 2 fossil teeth. Source:…

Jeff Bezos: I Spend My Billions On Space Because We’re Destroying Earth

In an interview with Norah O’Donnell of “CBS Evening News,” Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos explained why he’s investing much of his Amazon fortune in the development of space technologies through his aerospace company Blue Origin. Why? “Because I think it’s important,” Bezos said. “I think it is important for this planet. I think it’s important for the dynamism of future generations….

Birds and insect species are heading north in the UK as climate warms

More than 50 of the UK’s estimated 39,000 animal species, mostly insects and birds, extended their range northwards within the UK between 2008 and 2018 Source:…

Eclipses make animals do strange things

How do solar and lunar eclipses influence animal behavior? While the human world gathers to see tonight’s lunar eclipse, what’s the rest of nature doing? Source:…