Grizzlies Are Coming Back. But Can We Make Room For Them?

As grizzly bears expand their range in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming into places where they haven’t been seen in a century or more, they’re increasingly encountering humans. From a report: Things intensified last summer as trails and campgrounds across the region flooded with inexperienced tourists seeking refuge in the outdoors during the coronavirus pandemic. Grizzly attacks spiked. Bear managers were inundated…

Cannibal cockroaches nibble each other’s wings after they have mated

The wood-feeding cockroach may be the only known example of a species that practices mutual sexual cannibalism – both male and female nibble each other’s wings after mating Source:…

Whale that stranded off Florida is completely new species (and already endangered)

A 38-foot-long (11.5 meters) whale that washed ashore in the Florida Everglades in January 2019 turns out to be a completely new species. And it’s already considered endangered, scientists say. Source:

Monarch butterflies are in trouble: Here’s how to help in your own yard

The 2020 annual count of monarch butterflies in the western United States found shockingly few, confirming fears that the insect is on the brink of extinction. Source:…

A new species of baleen whale has been found in the Gulf of Mexico

Baleen whales include the largest animals ever to exist, but despite their size, they remain mysterious – and a new species has just been found near the US south coast Source:…

No, native plants aren’t always the best choice for gardens

There’s a tendency among horticulturists to prefer native plant species, but we shouldn’t assume they are better, writes James Wong Source:…

Was it just luck that our species survived and the Denisovans didn’t?

For millennia, our species advanced in lockstep with the Denisovans and it is hard to work out from archaeological finds why they disappeared from the planet while we now dominate it Source:…

Opinion: Biden administration must act fast to save migratory birds

On Trump’s way out of the White House, his administration demolished a law that protects migratory birds, putting over 1,000 species at risk. The Biden administration can still salvage it, but only if they act swiftly. Source:…

Are We Slowing Global Warming?

This week New York Magazine featured a new article by journalist David Wallace-Wells about the state of the fight against global warming. He warns that “Already, the planet is warmer, at just 1.2 degrees, than it has ever been…” But there’s also some good news:
Just a half-decade ago, it was widely believed that a “business as usual” emissions path would bring…