Cannibal cockroaches nibble each other’s wings after they have mated

The wood-feeding cockroach may be the only known example of a species that practices mutual sexual cannibalism – both male and female nibble each other’s wings after mating Source:…

16th-century ritual sacrifice, cannibalism and bloody slaughter revealed in Mexican city

Conquistadors murdered hundreds of Acolhua people, a sister culture of the Aztecs, after members of a Spanish caravan in Mexico were captured, sacrificed and eaten. Source:

Megalodon shark’s enormous babies ate their siblings in the womb

Megalodons – the extinct giant sharks that lived in most of Earth’s oceans about 3 million years ago – gave birth to babies that were larger than adult humans, scientists say. Source:…

Capuchin monkeys spotted eating infant in rare act of cannibalism

Cannibalism is extremely rare among the primates living in the Americas – but some capuchin monkeys have now been spotted eating a dead infant Source:…

CDC Warns of Increasingly Aggressive Rodents Looking For New Food Sources

New submitter Way Smarter Than You shares a report from The Seattle Times: Humans aren’t the only ones hankering for the days they could dine out at their cities’ restaurants: Some rats that miss feasting on the scraps are becoming increasingly brazen to find new food sources, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Thursday. Amid stay-home restrictions set across…

Wolf spiders may turn to cannibalism in a warming Arctic

Arctic wolf spiders’ tastes in prey might be changing. The changes could initiate a new cascade of food web interactions that could potentially alleviate some impacts of global warming. Source:…