Production Problems at Boeing Factory Prompt Regulators to Review Lapses

Long-time Slashdot reader phalse phace writes: The FAA has begun looking into quality-control problems at Boeing for their wide-body jet Dreamliner that go back almost a decade. The Wall Street Journal reports that “the plane maker has told U.S. aviation regulators that it produced certain parts at its South Carolina facilities that failed to meet its own design and manufacturing standards,…

Former IT Director Gets Jail Time For Selling Government’s Cisco Gear On eBay

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: A South Carolina man was sentenced this week to two years in federal prison for taking government-owned networking equipment and selling it on eBay. The man, Terry Shawn Petrill, 48, of Myrtle Beach, worked as the IT Security Director for Horry County in South Carolina, the Department of Justice said in a press…

Police in Several US Cities Used Facial Recognition To Hunt Down and Arrest Protesters

An anonymous reader quotes Ars Technica: Law enforcement in several cities, including New York and Miami, have reportedly been using controversial facial recognition software to track down and arrest individuals who allegedly participated in criminal activity during Black Lives Matter protests months after the fact. Miami police used Clearview AI to identify and arrest a woman for allegedly throwing a rock…

As Colleges Move Classes Online, Families Rebel Against the Cost

“A rebellion against the high cost of a bachelor’s degree, already brewing around the nation before the coronavirus, has gathered fresh momentum as campuses have strained to operate in the pandemic,” reports the New York Times. “Who wants to pay $25,000 a year for glorified Skype?” one incoming freshman tells them: Incensed at paying face-to-face prices for education that is increasingly…

Coronavirus Infection Rates: 10 US States Higher Than Any Country in the World

The New York Times has created a surprising interactive analysis of the number of coronavirus cases (per million residents) in different countries:
With its cases surging since mid-June, the United States is squarely in the top 10. Leading the outbreak now are countries in the Persian Gulf, where the virus has spread rapidly among foreign laborers. [Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait.] Rounding out…

Huge bird catches ‘shark’ in new viral video

The spectacle of a bird catching an enormous fish has been captured on film at South Carolina’s Myrtle Beach. Birds of prey are some of nature’s most … Source:…

Dusty sunrises and sunsets over U.S. South

See the layers of dust set against this South Carolina sunset? That dust came from Africa’s Sahara Desert. It traveled across the Atlantic Ocean this month to cause dusty skies across the U.S. south and into Texas. Source:…

Apple Re-Closes 11 Stores Just Weeks after Re-Opening Them

“Mere weeks after reopening over 100 stores, Apple has announced that it will be closing a number of its locations,” reports the International Business Times:
Eleven stores in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina will be closing as of Saturday due to spikes in coronavirus cases in certain communities. The six stores closed in Arizona are the only locations Apple operates…

Celebrate solstice sunrise at Stonehenge live online

This year, solstice celebrations at Stonehenge monument are canceled due to Covid-19. But for the 1st time, you can celebrate the 1st sunrise of summer from Stonehenge online. Source:…

In America, Only Three States Use Google-Apple Contact Tracing App

NBC News reports that in various parts of America, “States that had committed to using contact tracing apps or expressed interest are now backing away from those claims.”
The few states that have rolled them out have seen only tepid responses. And there are no indications of any momentum for the apps at a national level… A survey of state health officials…