Pro Drivers Are Competing With Gamers After F1 and NASCAR Canceled Races

For many, the cancellation of major sporting events was the moment that made the coronavirus pandemic feel real for the first time. But while fans of baseball, basketball, soccer are left wondering when they’ll see players back in action, racing fans don’t have to wait — because many of their favorite drivers are already competing in online sim racing competitions that…

People Fleeing Coronavirus Head To a New Safe Haven: China

When the coronavirus pandemic started worsening in the U.K. last week, Jennie Lan knew where she would feel safest: China. From a report: The graduate student at University College London was worried Brits weren’t taking precautions, such as wearing face masks. “People here didn’t attach a great significance to the coronavirus,” Ms. Lan said. On Tuesday, she will fly to China…

Q&A with Shira Lee Katz, Head of Content Strategy at Coursera

1. Tell us about yourself and your experience. After 20 years of work (and play) in a variety of fields—content strategy, learning, kids, and more—one thing I can say is that anywhere, anytime learning is powerful. “Anywhere, anytime learning” is the notion that learning isn’t confined to the four walls of a classroom. Rather, it […]
The post Q&A with Shira Lee…

As UK Police Deploy Facial Recognition, Questions Raised About False Positives

“When British police used facial recognition cameras to monitor crowds arriving for a soccer match in Wales, some fans protested by covering their faces,” reports the Associated Press. “In a sign of the technology’s divisiveness, even the head of a neighboring police force said he opposed it.” The South Wales police deployed vans equipped with the technology outside Cardiff stadium this…

Twitch Has Become a Haven For Live Sports Piracy

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Twitch has been and remains home to illicit sports broadcasts; a late December boxing match attracted over 86,000 viewers — some of whom spammed ASCII genitalia in chat — and a mid-January soccer match drew over 70,000 over three livestreams. Although Twitch often stomps them out mid-match, plenty of livestreams posted by throwaway…

An ancient star burst in the Milky Way’s center

New observations reveal that – about a billion years ago – the center of our Milky Way galaxy underwent a period of intense star formation, resulting in over 100,000 supernovae. Source:…

Carbon soccer ball with extra proton probably most abundant form in space

It is one of the most common forms of carbon in space: C60, a soccer ball-shaped carbon molecule, but one that has an extra proton attached to it. This is the conclusion of research carried out at Radboud University, which has succeeded for the very first time in measuring the absorption spectrum of this molecule. Such knowledge could ultimately help us…

Mysteries behind interstellar buckyballs finally answered

Scientists have long been puzzled by the existence of so-called “buckyballs”—complex carbon molecules with a soccer-ball-like structure—throughout interstellar space. Now, a team of researchers from the University of Arizona has proposed a mechanism for their formation in a study published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. Source:…

Should Parents Support Teens Who Want To Become Professional Gamers?

A family physician warned about a new problem this week in the New York Times: As a family doctor, I often hear from parents about how their kids push back at any attempt to limit how much time they spend playing video games. The parents will say, it’s after midnight, maybe it’s time to turn off the video game and get…

Vandal Who Keyed A Tesla Discovers That It Filmed Him

For the third time, someone who vandalized a Tesla discovered that the car’s “Sentry Mode” had filmed them — and after the video went viral online, decided to turn themselves in. An anonymous reader quotes Electrek:
The 20-year-old said that he was frustrated after a car cut him off and he thought the Model 3 might have been the same car. The…