Mimosa, 2nd-brightest in Southern Cross

To see Mimosa, you need to be at the latitude of New Orleans, Hawaii, Cairo or New Delhi. From the southern hemisphere, Mimosa is a prominent and beloved star. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/southern-mimosa-is-the-19th-brightest-star…

Achernar is the End of the River

Achernar is the 9th brightest star and flattest star known. It’s famous as the southernmost bright star in the constellation Eridanus the River. Here’s why much of Earth never sees it … and how you can. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/bright-achernar-ends-the-southern-river…

Privacy-Respecting Smart Home System Can Work Offline and Sends Fake Data

A publicly-funded group of designers, artists and privacy experts from Amsterdam have designed a smart home system prototype to “prove it’s technically possible to build a privacy respecting smart home while maintaining convenience.” Its controller uses an Arduino Nano to disconnect the system from the internet during times when it’s not in use. They’re building everything on Mozilla’s open smart home…

Apple Dominates App Store Search Results, Thwarting Competitors

Apple’s mobile apps routinely appear first in search results ahead of competitors in its App Store, a powerful advantage that skirts some of the company’s rules on such rankings, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis. From the report: The company’s apps ranked first in more than 60% of basic searches, such as for “maps,” [Editor’s note: the link may be…

Slashdot Asks: How Long Before Google Shuts Down Its Little — But Expensive — Pixel Smartphones Project?

After years of its on and off interest in smartphones, Google today produces some of the best phones on the planet. The Pixel 3 and the 3 XL take better pictures than most smartphones — certainly any phone that predates them. But the whole idea of Google making handsets — being also the company that maintains Android and has relationship with…

Girls at North Carolina School Don’t Have to Wear Skirts, Judge Rules

A federal judge struck down a charter school policy that prohibited girls from wearing pants or shorts. “I hate wearing skirts,” a girl who opposed the rule wrote. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/31/us/school-uniform-unconstitutional.html?partner=rss&emc=rss