How to spot Taurus, star clusters and a meteor shower in the night sky

The constellation Taurus is packed with interesting stars. Here’s how to find It, and learn about the zodiac and your star sign in the process Source:…

Early this week, watch for the Orionids

Charts and insights about this week’s Orionid meteor shower from astronomer Guy Ottewell. Source:…

Orionid meteors late night until dawn

A bright moon interferes for much of the night for 2018’s Orionid meteor shower. Watch shortly before dawn, after moonset. Try watching on the mornings of October 20, 21 and 22. A dark sky is always best. Have fun! Source:…

Found Cassiopeia? Now look for Perseus

Perseus follows Cassiopeia across the night sky. It’s fainter, but has a graceful shape and some of the sky’s most interesting stars and star clusters. Source:…

The Water Crisis Cities Don’t See Coming

Aging water treatment systems, failing pipes and a slew of unregulated contaminants threaten to undermine water quality in U.S. cities of all sizes. Still, with only a handful of exceptions, “water systems aren’t designed to focus on health, they’re focused on cost-containment,” says Seth Siegel, whose book “Troubled Water,” released this month, examines the precarious state of water infrastructure in the…

All you need to know: Orionid meteor shower

Details on the annual Orionid meteor shower. How and when to watch. In 2019, the peak morning is probably October 22. But start watching now, before dawn! Source:…

10 amazing places for year-round stargazing

The stars are accessible to everyone, but where can you get the most from the night sky? Here are 10 great dark-sky places – mostly in the U.S. but also in Australia, New Zealand and Chile – for skywatching and stargazing. Source:…

South Taurid meteors to peak in October?

The South Taurid meteor shower rarely produces more than 5 meteors per hour, but it’s been known to produce fireballs. The shower is long-running. Watch for these meteors in October and November. Source:…

Watch for Draconid meteors in 2019

The Draconid shower will likely produce its greatest number of meteors on the evening – not after midnight – of October 8, 2019. Try the nights of October 7 and 9, too. Source:…

All you need to know: Draconids in 2019

October’s Draconid meteor shower – sometimes called the Giacobinids – is expected to peak at nightfall or early evening on October 8, 2019, though under a moon-drenched sky. Source:…