Night vision specialists: cats, bats, and owls

Three spooky Halloween animals see better at night than we do. Here’s how they do it. Source:…

Google Researchers Taught An AI To Recognize Smells

In a paper published on Arxiv, researchers from the Google Brain Team explain how they’re training AI to recognize smells. Engadget reports: The researchers created a data set of nearly 5,000 molecules identified by perfumers, who labeled the molecules with descriptions ranging from “buttery” to “tropical” and “weedy.” The team used about two-thirds of the data set to train its AI…

Supercomputer simulates 77,000 neurons in the brain in real-time

A brain-inspired computer can simulate part of the sensory cortex in real time, using tens of thousands of virtual neurons. It is the first time such a complex simulation has run this fast Source:…

Intel Wants To Use AI To Reconnect Damaged Spinal Nerves

Intel and Brown University have started work on a DARPA-backed Intelligent Spine Interface project that would use AI to restore movement and bladder control for those with serious spinal cord injuries. Engadget reports: The two-year effort will have scientists capture motor and sensory signals from the spinal cord, while surgeons will implant electrodes on both ends of an injury to create…

How mosquitoes find us

For mosquitoes, finding the next blood meal is all about smelling and seeing. It’s our breath that gives us away. Source:…

A type of antibiotics can cause hearing loss – and now we know why

Aminoglycoside antibiotics can save lives, but the drugs can also cause hearing loss because of the toxic effect they have on sensory cells in the ear Source:…

Bringing Computers to Life

The new BSc in Computer Science will offer students the opportunity to learn core computing skills and apply those skills to any area or subject they feel passionate about. Music, art, sociology, education: the possibilities are endless. Through exciting project-based learning, the course encourages students to express themselves creatively and develop new links between technology […]
The post Bringing Computers to Life…

How to Use Your Senses to Awaken Your Brain

As miraculous as the human brain is, it would be worthless without the senses that connect us to the outside word. Any time you use one of the five senses—touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste—you are receiving messages directly from the world around you. Together, they give us our perception of the world and our […] Source:…