Microsoft ‘Wins Over Skeptics, Open-Source Great Satan No More’, Declares Bloomberg

Microsoft cloud chief Scott Guthrie says the company wasn’t ready to acquire GitHub in 2014. “We would have screwed it up,” he tells Bloomberg. But as he sees it, there was also another problem. “The open-source world would’ve rightly looked at us at the time as the antichrist. We didn’t have the credibility that we have now around open source…” An…

John Romero Finally Releases Fifth Episode of ‘Doom’ For Free

John Romero has finally released Sigil, his unofficial fifth episode of Doom with nine new single-player levels and nine deathmatch levels. It’s available for free on Romero’s web site (though you’ll also need the original Doom to play it). Hot Hardware reports:
If you want to know what Sigil is about, Romero explains it best. He wrote, “After killing the Spiderdemon at…

The Weird and Mysterious History of the Ouija Board

Of all of the ways of supposedly contacting the dead and the world beyond what we see, by far the most widely available and easy-to-use is the Ouija board. It has variously called a party game or a potent window to another realm, and has been the basis for numerous movies, books, and TV shows…. Read more » Source:…

Lucifer’s Saucy Devil Walks You Through a Crash Course of the Show’s First 3 Seasons

Lucifer, formerly of Fox but rescued by Netflix, will launch its fourth season starting May 8. There’s still time to catch up on the previous seasons, but the truth is you don’t need a deep grasp of the material to enjoy the show (this ain’t Game of Thrones). Read more…Source:…