‘Earth wind’ may generate water on the moon

Particles carried from Earth’s poles via our planet’s magnetosphere could be interacting with lunar rocks to create small quantities of water on the moon. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/earth-wind-may-generate-water-on-moon…

What astronauts think about life away from Earth

Axiom is an aerospace company making new possibilities accessible to humanity. Watch as astronauts retell their experience launching from Earth and living in space. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/axiom-video-roundtable-astronauts-talk-about-being-in-space…

Billion-year-old Martian dunes reveal planet’s history

The discovery of near-perfectly preserved billion-year-old Martian dunes is helping scientists to unravel the geologic and climatic history of the red planet. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/billion-year-old-martian-dunes-reveal-planet-history…

5 years after New Horizons flyby, 10 cool things about Pluto

Here are 10 of the coolest, weirdest and most unexpected findings about the Pluto system scientists have learned thanks to the New Horizons spacecraft’s flyby of the distant world in 2015. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/new-horizons-flyby-10-cool-things-about-pluto…

Dusty sunrises and sunsets over U.S. South

See the layers of dust set against this South Carolina sunset? That dust came from Africa’s Sahara Desert. It traveled across the Atlantic Ocean this month to cause dusty skies across the U.S. south and into Texas. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/photos-saharan-dust-june-2020-florida-texas…

Saharan-fed sunsets in the US

A massive Saharan dust plume is moving into the southeast US, bringing technicolor sunsets and suppressing tropical storms. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/saharan-dust-cloud-us-sunsets-june2020…