Smart speakers could hear your heart beating from across the room

By broadcasting ultrasound waves and analysing the reflections, a computer can detect the chest movements caused by a human heartbeat – and the system could run on a smart speaker Source:…

Smartwatches Can Help Detect COVID-19 Days Before Symptoms Appear

Smartwatches and other wearable devices that continuously measure users’ heart rates, skin temperature and other physiological markers can help spot coronavirus infections days before an individual is diagnosed. From a report: Devices like the Apple Watch, Garmin and Fitbit watches can predict whether an individual is positive for COVID-19 even before they are symptomatic or the virus is detectable by tests,…

Eye-tracking mask could monitor people’s reactions to what they see

A mask with fabric electrodes can monitor eye movements and heartbeat, which could be useful for studying people’s responses to things that they view Source:…

Strange gamma-ray heartbeat puzzles scientists

Scientists have detected a mysterious gamma-ray heartbeat coming from a cosmic gas cloud. The inconspicuous cloud in the constellation Aquila is beating with the rhythm of a neighboring precessing black hole, indicating a connection between the two objects, as the team led by DESY Humboldt Fellow Jian Li and ICREA Professor Diego F. Torres from the Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC)…

Researchers Build a Low-Power Radar on a CMOS ChIp

The international R&D hub Imec has made a millimetre-wave motion detection radar integrated in a standard 28nm CMOS chip, reports Electronics Weekly, adding that it consumes just 62 mW,”making the sensor integrable into small, battery-powered devices…” The radar operates in the frequency band around 60 GHz, a license-free ISM band that can be used for new IoT applications for industrial and…

5 years after New Horizons flyby, 10 cool things about Pluto

Here are 10 of the coolest, weirdest and most unexpected findings about the Pluto system scientists have learned thanks to the New Horizons spacecraft’s flyby of the distant world in 2015. Source:…

The iPad Awkwardly Turns 10

John Gruber: Ten years ago today, Steve Jobs introduced the iPad on stage at the Yerba Buena theater in San Francisco. […] Ten years later, though, I don’t think the iPad has come close to living up to its potential. […] Software is where the iPad has gotten lost. iPadOS’s “multitasking” model is far more capable than the iPhone’s, yes, but…