Do Movie Ratings on ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ Really Affect a Movie’s Box Office?

Either Rotten Tomatoes was destroying the film industry, or it didn’t matter much at all, writes The Ringer, noting competing storylines about the influence of the film review-aggregating web site. But they’ve now performed a statistical deep dive to try to answer the question, and concluded that “The truth likely lies in the middle: Rotten Tomatoes wasn’t tanking the industry or…

‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ Has Biggest-Ever Opening For a Video Game Adaptation

An anonymous reader quotes The Wrap: “Sonic the Hedgehog” is giving Paramount its best box office news in over a year, with a currently 3-day opening weekend of $55 million to become the best opening weekend ever for a video game adaptation… The delayed release of this film prompted by an intense rejection of Sonic’s initial design is turning out to…

Why Is ‘Rise of Skywalker’ Dividing Critics and Fans?

“After opening 20 percent behind Star Wars: The Last Jedi last weekend, Skywalker has almost caught up with its predecessor as it heads for the $1 billion mark in a fitting end to Disney’s unprecedented domination at the 2019 box office,” writes the Hollywood Reporter. But Forbes senior contributor Paul Tassi notes that critics seem to hate it — while it’s…

‘Cats’ Director Rushes Visual Effects Update Into Theaters After Disastrous Opening

Though its poster promises “the most joyful event of the holiday season,” the new movie Cats scored just 18% with professional critics on Rotten Tomatoes, and the $100 million adaptaton of the Broadway musical has so far earned just $6.5 million at the box office. Its director apparently doesn’t want that to be the last word. “You’ve seen movies receive visual…

Netflix Cancels Rebooted ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’

Netflix’s reboot of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 made this year’s “Best Of” lists from both The New York Times and Rotten Tomatoes. Yet apparently their bosses didn’t like them, and have shot them into space. Forbes reports: In a controversial move poisoning Thanksgiving for many indie comedy fans, Mystery Science Theater 3000 host Jonah Ray tweeted that Netflix has cancelled the…

‘Suicide Squad’ Director Urges DC and Marvel Fans To Stop Feuding

An anonymous reader quotes Cinema Blend:
At the beginning of 2019, approximately a half year after James Gunn was unceremoniously fired from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, it was officially confirmed that he’d be jumping to the DC universe to write and direct The Suicide Squad. Then, just two months later, Disney and Marvel reversed course and rehired Gunn to helm…

HBO’s ‘Chernobyl’ is Now the Top-Ranked TV Show of All Time

“Chernobyl,” HBO’s gritty and horrifying retelling of the worst nuclear disaster in human history, has jumped to the No. 1 spot on IMDb’s all-time TV rankings just days after the limited series concluded. From a report: As of Tuesday, “Chernobyl” had a 9.7-star (out of 10) average rating from about 140,000 users on the Amazon-owned IMDb site. The five-episode limited series…