Boston Dynamics Is Selling its 70-Pound Robot Dog To Police Departments

The New York Times reports on what the city’s police department calls Digidog, “a 70-pound robotic dog with a loping gait, cameras and lights affixed to its frame, and a two-way communication system that allows the officer maneuvering it remotely to see and hear what is happening.”
Police said the robot can see in the dark and assess how safe it is…

Google Trained a Trillion-Parameter AI Language Model

An anonymous reader quotes a report from VentureBeat: Google researchers developed and benchmarked techniques they claim enabled them to train a language model containing more than a trillion parameters. They say their 1.6-trillion-parameter model, which appears to be the largest of its size to date, achieved an up to 4 times speedup over the previously largest Google-developed language model (T5-XXL). As…

Warner Bros. To Debut Entire 2021 Film Slate, Including ‘Dune’ and ‘Matrix 4,’ Both on HBO Max and In Theaters

When Warner Bros. announced that “Wonder Woman 1984” would land on the streaming service HBO Max on Christmas, the same time it debuts in theaters, many expected it to be an isolated case in response to an unprecedented pandemic. From a report: Instead, the studio will deploy a similar release strategy for the next twelve months. In a surprising break from…

Darth Vader enforces lockdown in Philippines

The iconic Sith Lord was spotted patrolling the streets of Manila with a squad of Stormtroopers this week. Back at the beginning of April we reported … Source:…

‘Virtual Fistfight’ Created With Historic Collaboration of 40 Film Stars

DevNull127 writes: You probably remember Zoe Bell strapped to the hood of a speeding 1970 Dodge Challenger in the Death Proof half of Quentin Tarantino’s Grindhouse. (She also had parts in The Hateful Eight and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.) Today Zoe pulled together what may become a historic video — a massive online collaboration with 40 different film celebrities…

Why Is ‘Birds of Prey’ Suffering at the Box Office?

The Warner Brothers/DC film Birds of Prey “is proving not to be the February box office success industry observers had hoped,” according to The Wrap: After grossing $13 million on Friday from 4,236 screens, the film is now estimated to earn an opening weekend of $34 million, which would be the lowest start for a DC Comics adaptation since the $5.3…

Ohio Neighborhood Temporarily Evacuated Over Misplaced Fears of a Homemade Nuclear Reactor

“A 911 call Thursday led to a precautionary evacuation of an entire street in a Northwest Side neighborhood in Columbus over concerns about a possible small nuclear reactor and alpha waves reported by a resident who said he sustained burns in his garage on the device,” acocrding to the Columbus Dispatch. Slashdot reader k6mfw shared their report: In the end, authorities…

‘Suicide Squad’ Director Urges DC and Marvel Fans To Stop Feuding

An anonymous reader quotes Cinema Blend:
At the beginning of 2019, approximately a half year after James Gunn was unceremoniously fired from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, it was officially confirmed that he’d be jumping to the DC universe to write and direct The Suicide Squad. Then, just two months later, Disney and Marvel reversed course and rehired Gunn to helm…

Twitter’s Jack Dorsey Has Own Account Hacked

The co-founder and chief executive of Twitter has had his own account on the service taken over by hackers. From a report: A group referring to itself as the Chuckling Squad said it was behind the breach of Jack Dorsey’s account. A spokeswoman for Twitter told the BBC that the site was urgently investigating. The account tweeted out a flurry of…