Targeting individual atoms

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is one of the most important methods of physicochemical analysis. It can be used to determine precise molecular structures and dynamics. The importance of this method is also evidenced by the recognition of ETH Zurich’s two latest Nobel laureates, Richard Ernst and Kurt Wüthrich, for their contributions to refining the method. …

Astronomers find 18 more Earth-sized exoplanets in Kepler data

A new survey algorithm – called Transit Least-Squares – has just caused the number of known, rocky, Earth-sized worlds orbiting distant stars to grow again, as astronomers add another 18 exoplanets to the list. Source:…

New insights about Haumea’s enigmatic ring

Dwarf planet Haumea orbits in Pluto’s realm of the solar system. It’s the most distant little world known to have a ring. Scientists in Brazil have new insights on how Haumea’s ring maintains its nearly perfect circular shape. Source:…

A Scientist’s Spiritual Awakening

Jeff Warren – Could quietening the mind be possible in our faced-paced, Western lives? Source:…