UK Willing To Admit Nearly 3 Million From Hong Kong If China Adopts Security Law

schwit1 shares news that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he would be willing to allow more than 2.8 million people from Hong Kong to live and work in the country if China implements a controversial proposed national security law on the former British colony. The law could take effect as soon as this month, and would expand mainland China’s control…

135-Year-Long Streak Is Over: Renewables Overtake Coal, But Lag Far Behind Oil and Natural Gas

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Forbes: Last week the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported something extraordinary. For the first time in 135 years, last year U.S. consumption of renewables surpassed consumption of coal. There are two interrelated reasons for this: The collapse of coal consumption over the past decade, which was fueled by the rise of cheaper alternatives. I…

EU’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Continue To Fall As Coal Ditched

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU continued their fall in 2018, the latest year for which comprehensive data is available, according to a new report from Europe’s environment watchdog. Emissions fell by 2.1% compared with 2017, to a level 23% lower than in 1990, the baseline for the bloc’s emission cuts under…

Carlsberg and Coca-Cola Back Pioneering Project To Make Plant-Based Bottles

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: A biochemicals company in the Netherlands hopes to kickstart investment in a pioneering project that hopes to make plastics from plant sugars rather than fossil fuels. The plans, devised by renewable chemicals company Avantium, have already won the support of beer-maker Carlsberg, which hopes to sell its pilsner in a cardboard bottle…

In a First, Renewable Energy Is Poised To Eclipse Coal in US

The United States is on track to produce more electricity this year from renewable power than from coal for the first time on record, new government projections show, a transformation partly driven by the coronavirus pandemic, with profound implications in the fight against climate change. From a report: It is a milestone that seemed all but unthinkable a decade ago, when…

Australian Company Generates Cheap Renewable Energy From Tides

An anonymous reader quotes CNN:
Although tidal energy is still in its infancy, it could help to reduce Australia’s dependence on fossil fuels… The island nation is only beginning to explore tidal power through a number of pilot projects. But this form of energy has one major advantage: its predictability. While the sun may not shine, or the wind may not blow,…

Amid Pandemic, US Renewable Power Sources Have Topped Coal For 40 Days

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Electricity generated by renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro has exceeded coal-fired power in the United States for a record 40 straight days, according to a report based on U.S. government data released on Monday. The boost for renewables is due to a seasonal increase in low-cost solar and hydro power generation,…

Michael Moore Offers Free Streaming of Movie Criticizing the Green Movement

Nearly 16 years ago, Slashdot’s original co-founder CmdrTaco posted that liberal film-maker Michael Moore had won the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival for a documentary about the Bush administration — and noted later that Moore approved downloads of the film through networks like BitTorrent. But now the 66-year-old filmmaker is offering free streaming on his YouTube channel for a…

Microwaved bamboo could be used to build super-strong skyscrapers

Bamboo is a renewable material that when microwaved becomes stronger by weight than steel or concrete – which could make it ideal for constructing buildings, cars and planes Source:…

By 2023, Some GM Facilities In Michigan Will Run On 100 Percent Renewables

On its way to being net-zero carbon neutral by 2050, General Motors announced today that some of its southeast Michigan facilities will be fully powered by renewable energy by 2023. CNET reports: The carmaker said on Monday it will strengthen a partnership with DTE Energy to buy another 500,000 megawatt-hours worth of energy in the next few years. That’s on top…