EU Draft Plan Targets Free Carbon Credit Cut For Most Industries

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Most industries covered by the European Union’s carbon market would see free credits cut by the highest possible rate over the next five years under draft plans, potentially costing some of the biggest polluters millions of euros. The carbon market is the EU’s main policy for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, by forcing power…

Carlsberg and Coca-Cola Back Pioneering Project To Make Plant-Based Bottles

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: A biochemicals company in the Netherlands hopes to kickstart investment in a pioneering project that hopes to make plastics from plant sugars rather than fossil fuels. The plans, devised by renewable chemicals company Avantium, have already won the support of beer-maker Carlsberg, which hopes to sell its pilsner in a cardboard bottle…

Coronavirus Has Temporarily Reduced China’s CO2 Emissions By a Quarter

As China battles one of the most serious virus epidemics of the century, the impacts on the country’s energy demand and emissions are only beginning to be felt. From a report: Electricity demand and industrial output remain far below their usual levels across a range of indicators, many of which are at their lowest two-week average in several years. These include:…