Anti-Mask Protesters Proudly Filmed Their Confrontation With a Grocery Store’s Manager

Nine days ago America set a record: nearly 290,000 new Covid-19 cases within 24 hours. according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. Four days later, anti-mask protesters in Oregon filmed their confrontation with employees at a Trader Joe’s grocery store who wouldn’t let them enter the store unless they were wearing a mask. Their 8-minute video has since been viewed over…

Hackers Are Selling More Than 85,000 MySQL Databases On a Dark Web Portal

An anonymous Slashdot reader writes:
For the past year, hackers have been breaking into MySQL databases, downloading tables, deleting the originals, and leaving ransom notes behind, telling server owners to contact the attackers to get their data back. If database owners don’t respond and ransom their data back in nine days, the databases are then put up on auction on a dark…

Blood Type May Affect Severity of COVID-19 Infection, New Study Suggests

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Yahoo: In a new study published Wednesday, researchers in Canada found that, among 95 critically ill COVID-19 patients, 84 percent of those with the blood types A and AB required mechanical ventilation compared to 61 percent of patients with type O or type B, CNN reports. The former group also remained in the intensive…

Researchers Finally Measured Radiation Levels On the Moon. They’re High.

Slashdot reader DevNull127 writes: Scientists were able to, for the first time, measure radiation levels on the lunar surface, reports UPI, and nine days ago they published their results: that the radiation levels on the moon are 200 times stronger than on earth — and 2.6 times higher than those on space station. One of the scientists behind the study calls…

Amid Pandemic, US Renewable Power Sources Have Topped Coal For 40 Days

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Electricity generated by renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro has exceeded coal-fired power in the United States for a record 40 straight days, according to a report based on U.S. government data released on Monday. The boost for renewables is due to a seasonal increase in low-cost solar and hydro power generation,…

What is Earth’s shadow, and when can you see it?

Like all worlds orbiting suns, our planet Earth casts a shadow. Here are some times to look for it. Source:…