Earth and Jupiter closest on June 12

Earth flies between Jupiter and the sun on June 10, 2019. But the giant planet will be closest to us on June 12. Why? Source:…

YouTube’s Crackdown on Violent Extremism Mistakenly Whacks Channels Fighting Violent Extremism

AmiMoJo shares an article by Cory Doctorow: Wednesday, Youtube announced that it would shut down, demonetize and otherwise punish channels that promoted violent extremism, “supremacy” and other forms of hateful expression; predictably enough, this crackdown has caught some of the world’s leading human rights campaigners, who publish Youtube channels full of examples of human rights abuses in order to document them…

Book Subtitles Are Getting Ridiculously Long. Blame it on SEO.

How many words can you fit in a subtitle? For a slew of modern books, the answer seems to be as many as possible. From a report: Just look at Julie Holland’s “Moody Bitches: The Truth About the Drugs You’re Taking, the Sleep You’re Missing, the Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy,” Erin McHugh’s “Political Suicide: Missteps,…

US Justice Department Considering Apple Probe

The U.S. Justice Department has jurisdiction for a potential probe of Apple as part of a broader review of whether technology giants are using their size to act in an anti-competitive manner, Reuters reported on Monday, citing sources. From the report: The Justice Department’s Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) met in recent weeks and agreed to give the…

The Dark Side of Dark Mode

Apple, which has already introduced “dark mode” in macOS, is widely expected to replicate this in its mobile operating system iOS this year. The move comes as a number of technology companies introduce dark mode in their apps and operating systems. But is it something everyone wants? TidBITS: When text is white on a black background as it would be in…

Mark Zuckerberg Dismisses Calls To Break Up Facebook

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday rebuffed calls for the company to be broken up over competition concerns, disputing claims the firm has grown too dominant. From a report: During a call with reporters, Zuckerberg was pressed to address recent calls from Democratic officials and one Facebook co-founder for federal regulators to force the company to spin off WhatsApp and Instagram,…

Bookstores band together for Independent Bookstore Day


Following the Notre Dame fire, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame tops best-seller lists in France
