Can You Tell a Programming Language Inventor From a Serial Killer?

Slashdot reader DevNull127 writes: A new web quiz challenge visitors, “Can you tell a coder from a cannibal? A mathematician from a murderer? Try to spot who liked hacking away at corpses rather than computers.” One commenter on BoingBoing says the quiz brought back memories of doing IT recruitment in the 1990s. “After a few months at that job, I started…

Final Episode Aired For American Quiz Show Host Alex Trebek

“More than two months after Alex Trebek’s death, fans of Jeopardy! finally got the chance to say goodbye,” reports CBS News:
A video tribute to the host closed Friday’s episode of the quiz show, the final one that Trebek taped before pancreatic cancer claimed his life on November 8. The 90-second montage, set to Hugh Jackman singing the Peter Allen song “Once…

Wombling, boojums and thunk: Test yourself in our jargon-busting quiz

Any idea what an Aa is? How about frass? This is your chance to show off your knowledge of (or just have a good snigger at) some of the more arcane and delightful words used by scientists Source:…

Quiz of the year: Can you remember the science stories of 2020?

The pandemic may have stolen many of the headlines of 2020, but this year has been a bumper year for other science, too. Can you remember it? Find out in our covid-free quiz Source:…

Diverse Representation: Learner Impacts and Strategies in Online Courses

By: Ji Su Lee and Eli Fogle, Coursera Teaching and Learning team Many learners are new to online learning. It can be an isolating environment without the in-person opportunities to connect with the instructor and other learners.  Creating an environment where learners can succeed includes many factors, and key among them is for students to […]
The post Diverse Representation: Learner Impacts…

Iconic American Quiz Show Host Alex Trebek Dies at Age 80

The iconic host of America’s TV quiz show Jeopardy! has died at age 80, after 35 years of reminding contestants to always state their answers in the form of a question. Who was Alex Trebec? CNN calls him “the genial host with all the answers and a reassuring presence in the TV game-show landscape for five decades.” Notable moments include playing…

Don’t Miss: Quiz codebreakers on a virtual tour of a computing museum

New Scientist’s weekly round-up of the best books, films, TV series, games and more that you shouldn’t miss Source:…

Building skills through online learning: 4 data-driven best practices

By: Alexandra Urban, Senior Teaching & Learning Specialist, Coursera Teaching and learning online can feel daunting, especially at first. With the pandemic forcing millions of instructors and students abruptly into remote schooling, many have questioned the quality of online learning and its effectiveness — especially those new to the online setting. This new landscape inspired […]
The post Building skills through online…

Announcing Guided Projects: Gain Job-Relevant Skills with Short, Hands-On Learning Experiences

By Namit Yadav, General Manager, Rhyme In our research interviews, we find that learners consistently share their desire to work on projects that will demonstrate to employers their ability to apply a skill, or use a tool like Google Sheets, Python, or TensorFlow. In addition, educational psychology research shows that projects help students learn how […]
The post Announcing Guided Projects: Gain…

Introducing New Tools and Features as Demand for Online Learning Grows

By Shravan Goli, Chief Product Officer Learners around the world are turning to online learning at this particularly challenging time. Overnight, universities have switched to remote teaching in order to provide academic continuity to their students. In the past month, 5.9 million learners enrolled in courses on Coursera and nearly 2,700 institutions launched Coursera for […]
The post Introducing New Tools and…