Early Riser or Night Owl? New Study May Help To Explain the Difference

Some people are early risers, wide awake at the crack of dawn. Others are night owls who can’t seem to get to bed until well after midnight and prefer to sleep in. Why is this? An NIH-funded team has some new clues based on evidence showing how a molecular “switch” wired into the biological clocks of extreme early risers leads them…

Water in the shadows of boulders on Mars?

A new study from the Planetary Research Institute suggests that briny water could temporarily form on Mars’ surface in the shadows of boulders for just a few days each Martian year. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/water-on-mars-brines-boulders-sublimation…

YouTube Censors Senate Floor Speech With Whistleblower’s Name

SonicSpike shares a report from The Hill: YouTube has removed a video from its platform that shows Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) stating on the Senate floor the name of a person who conservative media have suggested is the whistleblower whose complaint triggered the impeachment inquiry of President Trump. The company, home to millions of hours of video content, said in a…

Car ‘Splatometer’ Tests Reveal Huge Decline In Number of Insects

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Two scientific studies of the number of insects splattered by cars have revealed a huge decline in abundance at European sites in two decades. The survey of insects hitting car windscreens in rural Denmark used data collected every summer from 1997 to 2017 and found an 80% decline in abundance. It also…

People Born Blind Are Mysteriously Protected From Schizophrenia

Motherboard reports on the possible explanations for why people born blind are protected from schizophrenia: Over the past 60-some years, scientists around the world have been writing about this mystery. They’ve analyzed past studies, combed the wards of psychiatric hospitals, and looked through agencies that treat blind people, trying to find a case. As time goes on, larger data sets have…

The Spine of San Francisco Is Now Car-Free

The plan to ban private cars from Market Street — one of the city’s busiest and most dangerous downtown thoroughfares — enjoys a remarkable level of local support. From a report: In a city known for stunning vistas, San Francisco’s Market Street offers a notoriously ugly tangle of traffic. Cars and delivery trucks vie with bikes and pedestrians along this downtown…

Are solar storms dangerous to us?

Activity on the sun affects Earth’s magnetic field. It can cause geomagnetic storms, the same events that create the beautiful aurorae, or northern and southern lights. Are these storms dangerous? Source: https://earthsky.org/space/are-solar-storms-dangerous-to-us…

LabCorp Security Lapse Exposed Thousands of Medical Documents

A security flaw in LabCorp’s website exposed thousands of medical documents, like test results containing sensitive health data. From a report: It’s the second incident in the past year after LabCorp said in June that 7.7 million patients had been affected by a credit card data breach of a third-party payments processor. The breach also hit several other laboratory testing companies,…

Framework Developer ‘Ragequits’ Open Source Community, Citing Negative Comments, ‘Very Few Provide Help’

The maintainer of the popular Rust web framework Actix has quit the project — though he’s backed off threats to make its code private and delete its repository, instead appointing a new maintainer. “Be a maintainer of large open source project is not a fun task,” he’d complained last week on GitHub. “You alway face with rude and hate, everyone knows…