US Says Saudi Prince Approved Journalist Khashoggi Killing

A US intelligence report has found that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the murder of exiled journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. BBC: The declassified report released by the Biden administration says the prince approved a plan to either capture or kill the US-based Saudi exile. It is the first time America has publicly named the crown prince, who denies…

See Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky

Find out how to spot Sirius, the brightest star as seen from Earth. Learn the mythology behind this dazzling light and how it earned the nickname of the Dog Star. Source:…

Social Media Damages Teenagers’ Mental Health, Report Says

Teenagers’ mental health is being damaged by heavy social media use, a report has found. From a report: Research from the Education Policy Institute and The Prince’s Trust said wellbeing and self-esteem were similar in all children of primary school age. Boys and girls’ wellbeing is affected at the age of 14, but girls’ mental health drops more after that, it…

A Deepfake Queen Delivered an Alternative Christmas Speech to Warn about Misinformation

“A fake Queen Elizabeth danced across TV screens on Christmas as part of a ‘deepfake’ speech aired by a British broadcaster,” reports CNN:
The broadcaster said the video was supposed to offer “a stark warning about the advanced technology that is enabling the proliferation of misinformation and fake news in a digital age.” Channel 4 annually accompanies the Queen’s traditional speech with…

Prince Philip ‘collects books on UFOs and ET’

Recent reports suggest that the Queen’s husband has a keen interest in reading about the UFO phenomenon. The Duke, whose life story has been dramatize… Source:…

Cloudflare Offers ‘Isolated’ Cloud-Based Browser, Plus a Network-as-a-Service Solution

Cloudflare has released the beta of its new “browser isolation” service, which runs a web browser in the cloud, reports TechRadar. As more and more computing is done inside a browser as opposed to on a system itself, many enterprise organizations have begun to deploy browser isolation services where the browser doesn’t actually run on a user’s computer. Instead the browser…

Cloudflare and the Wayback Machine, Joining Forces For a More Reliable Web

Cloudflare and the Internet Archive are now working together to help make the web more reliable. Websites that enable Cloudflare’s Always Online service will now have their content automatically archived, and if by chance the original host is not available to Cloudflare, then the Internet Archive will step in to make sure the pages get through to users. From a report:…

A Saudi Prince’s Attempt To Silence Critics On Twitter

Bradley Hope and Justin Scheck write via Wired: In 2014, Mohammed bin Salman’s uncle, King Abdullah, was nearing death. Mohammed’s father, Crown Prince Salman, was set to inherit the throne upon Abdullah’s death. For more than 60 years, the Saudi crown had been passed from one son of the kingdom’s founder to the next, the heir being determined by a combination…