Predicting a Post-Pandemic Future: Remote Working and Distance Learning?

This week Politico published predictions from 34 “big thinkers” about what the future will be like after the coronavirus pandemic. (An associate professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland argues that “The Reagan era is over. The widely accepted idea that government is inherently bad won’t persist after coronavirus.”) Others predict a future with voting from mobile devices…

Politicians are mulling a global tax rate to tame the tech giants

Tech firms are making record profits but paying little tax. Now global leaders are discussing ways to make them pay their fair share Source:…

More Bosses Give 4-Day Workweek A Try

Companies around the world are embracing what might seem like a radical idea: a four-day workweek. From a report: The concept is gaining ground in places as varied as New Zealand and Russia, and it’s making inroads among some American companies. Employers are seeing surprising benefits, including higher sales and profits. The idea of a four-day workweek might sound crazy, especially…

Twitter and Facebook Criticized For Not Removing False Claims About Iowa Voters

What happened when conservative activist Tom Fitton issued an inaccurate press release last week about Iowa’s voter registration rolls? After being debunked by Republican state officials — and identified as “false” by the Associated Press — the false claims simply remained on both Facebook and Twitter. The Associated Press reports:
Fitton, founder of Judicial Watch, tweeted a report claiming that eight Iowa…

The Spine of San Francisco Is Now Car-Free

The plan to ban private cars from Market Street — one of the city’s busiest and most dangerous downtown thoroughfares — enjoys a remarkable level of local support. From a report: In a city known for stunning vistas, San Francisco’s Market Street offers a notoriously ugly tangle of traffic. Cars and delivery trucks vie with bikes and pedestrians along this downtown…

Thoughts on Our Possible Future Without Work

There’s a new book called A World Without Work by economics scholar/former government policy adviser Daniel Susskind. The Guardian succinctly summarizes its prognostications for the future: It used to be argued that workers who lost their low-skilled jobs should retrain for more challenging roles, but what happens when the robots, or drones, or driverless cars, come for those as well? Predictions…

UK Government Accidentally Doxxes Award Winners

More than 1,000 celebrities, government employees and politicians recognized in the U.K.’s traditional New Year’s Honours list this year “have had their home and work addresses posted on a government website,” reports the Guradian. Shimbo (Slashdot reader #100,005) quotes their report:
The accidental disclosure of the tranche of personal details is likely to be considered a significant security breach, particularly as senior…

Scientists Attempt To Recreate ‘Overview Effect’ From Earth

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The spectacle of Earth suspended in space was so overwhelming for Edgar Mitchell that the Apollo 14 astronaut and sixth man on the moon wanted to grab politicians by the scruff of the neck and drag them into space to witness the view. Such drastic measures may not be necessary, however. Scientists…