VLT sees surface of dim Betelgeuse

The European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope is in northern Chile. Astronomers used it to capture the unprecedented dimming of Betelgeuse, a red supergiant star in the constellation of Orion. The new images show how the apparent shape of this star is changing. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/betelgeuse-dimming-supernova-new-vlt-images…

Australian smoke plume sets records

The recent wildfires in Australia sent one of the largest plumes of smoke higher into the the stratosphere than satellites have ever before observed. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/australian-wildfires-smoke-plume-sets-records…

Robot kayaks track tidewater glacier melting

A new study sent robotic kayaks to survey the water in front of Alaska’s LeConte Glacier – an area too dangerous for ships – to analyze how much glacial ice is melting into the ocean. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/robot-kayaks-track-tidewater-glacier-melting…

Fossil reveals how feathered dinosaurs differed from birds

The fossil of this new-to-science dinosaur offers a view into dinosaur-bird evolution. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/fossil-feathered-dinosaurs-differed-from-birds…

Study says Enceladus’ inner complexity is good for life

The interior of Saturn’s moon Enceladus is geochemically complex, making its subsurface ocean quite habitable for possible life, according to a new study from Southwest Research Institute. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/enceladus-ocean-moon-saturn-geochemical-complexity-life…

Amazon fires quickening glacier melting in Andes

The burning rainforest releases black carbon into the atmosphere, which, according to a growing number of scientific studies, directly contributes to the melting of glaciers. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/amazon-fires-glaciers-andes-melt-even-faster…

Explained! Enceladus’ enigmatic tiger stripes

How did the so-called tiger stripes – huge parallel cracks – form in the icy surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus? A new study from the Carnegie Institution for Science provides some answers. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/enceladus-saturn-moon-tiger-stripe-explained…

Today’s volcano in New Zealand is on the Pacific Ring of Fire

Here’s information about New Zealand’s White Island volcano – which erupted earlier today – in the context of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Background on the volcano and why these volcanoes erupt. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/what-is-the-ring-of-fire…

Scientists confirm Europa’s water vapor geysers … maybe

New observations appear to confirm the existence of water vapor geysers on Europa. The findings are tantalizing, but some scientists are not convinced yet. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/europa-water-vapor-geysers-goddard…