Meet the Man Being Sued By the FTC Over His Kickstarter Campaign for a High-Tech Backpack

The Verge takes a 5,000-word look at a Kickstarter campaign “that raised more than half a million dollars, only to never ship and leave behind thousands of angry backers.” “The difference in this story, however, is that for only the second time, the Federal Trade Commission is coming for the creator.”
The agency claims Doug Monahan took his backpack funds and spent…

World’s First Opioid Vending Machine Opens In Vancouver

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: A vending machine for powerful opioids has opened in Canada as part of a project to help fight the Canadian city’s overdose crisis. The MySafe project, which resembles a cash machine, gives addicts access to a prescribed amount of medical quality hydromorphone, a drug about twice as powerful as heroin. Don Durban,…

Drugs may be able to fix our romantic lives when things go wrong

Are we ready for real-life love potions? Book Love is the Drug explains how pills may affect everything from falling deeper in love to breaking up Source:…

Slate Announces List of The 30 Most Evil Tech Companies

An anonymous reader quotes Slate: Separating out the meaningful threats from the noise is hard. Is Facebook really the danger to democracy it looks like? Is Uber really worse than the system it replaced? Isn’t Amazon’s same-day delivery worth it? Which harms are real and which are hypothetical? Has the techlash gotten it right? And which of these companies is really…

NASA Astronaut’s Blood Clot In Space Gets Treated By Doctor On Earth

Doctor Stephan Moll, a blood-clot expert from the University of North Carolina, helped develop a treatment plan for a NASA astronaut who discovered a blood clot in the jugular vein partway through a long-term mission on the International Space Station. CNET reports: NASA hasn’t revealed the crew member’s name or when the incident happened, though the astronaut discovered the clot two…

Cranberries: More than a holiday side dish

Fun facts about this floating fruit, the blueberry’s bitter cousin. Source:…

The Water Crisis Cities Don’t See Coming

Aging water treatment systems, failing pipes and a slew of unregulated contaminants threaten to undermine water quality in U.S. cities of all sizes. Still, with only a handful of exceptions, “water systems aren’t designed to focus on health, they’re focused on cost-containment,” says Seth Siegel, whose book “Troubled Water,” released this month, examines the precarious state of water infrastructure in the…

Could A Scalp-Zapping Cap Help Reverse Male Balding?

“An electric patch makes hairless mice grow fur and may reverse balding in men when fitted inside a specially designed baseball cap,” reports New Scientist: At the moment, men who don’t want to go bald can treat hair loss using minoxidil lotion, finasteride pills or hair transplant surgery. But minoxidil doesn’t work for everyone, finasteride can reduce sex drive and fertility,…