Some women feel fetal kicks years after they’ve given birth

Around 40 per cent of women in a survey experienced phantom fetal kicks, which is the feeling of a kicking fetus years after giving birth Source:…

Tesla Owners Say Autopilot Makes Them Feel Safer

“Bloomberg has conducted a survey of Tesla Model 3 owners,” writes Slashdot reader Thelasko. “Some of the most interesting data are responses to questions about Autopilot.” Here’s an excerpt from the report: We asked 5,000 Model 3 owners about their experience with the electric sedan that Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk says will lead the world into a new era…

Halloween ghost of the summer sun

At mid-northern latitudes, Arcturus sets about 2 hours after sunset around Halloween, at the same point on the horizon as the summer sun. It’s a Halloween ghost of the summer sun and an echo of long summer afternoons. Source:…

Autobraking Tech Will Be Standard In Cars By 2022

pgmrdlm shares a report from CBS News: Automatic emergency braking will be standard in most cars in 2022. The technology is expected to cut the number of rear-end crashes in half, but hundreds of drivers say sometimes the system slams on the brakes — apparently for no reason. CBS News found reports of several accidents and injuries that drivers blamed on…

AI Takes On Earthquake Prediction

After successfully predicting laboratory earthquakes, a team of geophysicists has applied a machine learning algorithm to quakes in the Pacific Northwest. From a report: In May of last year, after a 13-month slumber, the ground beneath Washington’s Puget Sound rumbled to life. The quake began more than 20 miles below the Olympic mountains and, over the course of a few weeks,…

New Prosthetic Legs Let Amputees Feel Their Foot and Knee In Real-Time

In a paper published in Nature Medicine today, researchers led by ETH Zurich describe how they modified an off-the-shelf prosthetic leg with sensors and electrodes to give wearers a sense of knee movement and feedback from the sole of the foot on the ground. Engadget reports: The researchers worked with two patients with above-the-knee, or transfemoral, amputations. They used an Ossur…

The Next Hot Job: Pretending To Be a Robot

“As the promise of autonomous machines lags the underlying technology, the growing need for human robot-minders could juice the remote workforce,” reports The Wall Street Journal. An anonymous reader shares excerpts from the report: Across industries, engineers are building atop work done a generation ago by designers of military drones. Whether it’s terrestrial delivery robots, flying delivery drones, office-patrolling security robots,…

Was ‘The Matrix’ Part of Cinema’s Last Great Year?

In 2014 Esquire argued that great movies like The Matrix “predicted a revolution in film that never happened,” adding “We are in many ways worse off now than we were 15 years ago as a culture. We seem to have run out of original ideas.” This week two film critics debated whether 1999 was in fact cinema’s last great year. Slashdot…

Spy Used AI-Generated Face To Connect With Targets

Raphael Satter, writing for AP: Katie Jones sure seemed plugged into Washington’s political scene. The 30-something redhead boasted a job at a top think tank and a who’s-who network of pundits and experts, from the centrist Brookings Institution to the right-wing Heritage Foundation. She was connected to a deputy assistant secretary of state, a senior aide to a senator and the…