Israeli Spyware Firm NSO Group is Wildly Profitable Despite Concerns Over Misuse of its Technology, Leaked Financials Show

An anonymous reader shares a report: The secretive Israeli spyware company NSO Group gained notoriety following allegations that its hacking tool Pegasus was used by governments like Saudi Arabia and Mexico to track dissidents and journalists. A few months later, the company was acquired for $1 billion by its cofounders Shalev Hulio and Omri Lavie alongside the private equity firm Novalpina…

Great Square points to Andromeda galaxy

If your sky is dark, you’ll enjoy locating these stars and using this method of finding the Andromeda galaxy. Source:…

Cassiopeia points to Andromeda galaxy

Leave the city behind this weekend, and go galaxy-hunting! Cassiopeia – one of the easiest constellations to identify – points the way. Source:…

Andromeda galaxy, closest large spiral

The Andromeda galaxy is the nearest big galaxy to our Milky Way. It’s a spiral galaxy, like ours. At 2.5 million light-years, it’s the most distant thing you can see with your eye alone. Source:…

How to find Delta Aquariid radiant point

How to spot the radiant point for the Delta Aquariid meteor shower, going on now. Plus … why meteors in annual showers have radiant points. Source:…

NSO Spyware ‘Targets Big Tech Cloud Services’

The Israeli company whose spyware hacked WhatsApp has told buyers its technology can surreptitiously scrape all of an individual’s data from the servers of Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, Financial Times reported on Friday. [Editor’s note: the link may be paywalled; alternative source] From the report: NSO Group’s flagship smartphone malware, nicknamed Pegasus, has for years been used by spy…

Space Firm Founded By Paul Allen Closing Operations, Report Says

Stratolaunch Systems Corporation, the space company founded by late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, is closing operations, cutting short ambitious plans to challenge traditional aerospace companies in a new “space race,” Reuters reported Friday, citing four people familiar with the matter. From the report: The company, a unit of Allen’s privately held investment vehicle Vulcan, had been developing a portfolio of launch…

Bookstores band together for Independent Bookstore Day
