Tonight, find the Andromeda galaxy

The Andromeda galaxy is the closest big galaxy to our Milky Way. Here are a couple of different ways to find it. Just be sure your sky is dark! Source:…

A hat that zaps the scalp with electricity helps reverse male balding

A scientist has designed an electric skin patch that stimulated fur growth in hairless mice and cured his dad’s balding, and has now been made into a hat Source:…

Exposed RDP Servers See 150K Brute-Force Attempts Per Week

Slashdot reader Cameyo shares a report from TechRepublic: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is — to the frustration of security professionals — both remarkably insecure and indispensable in enterprise computing. The September 2019 Patch Tuesday round closed two remote code execution bugs in RDP, while the high-profile BlueKeep and DejaBlue vulnerabilities from earlier this year have sent IT professionals in a patching…

$572 Million Decision Against Johnson & Johnson in Landmark Opioid Trial

An anonymous reader shares a report: A judge in Oklahoma on Monday ruled against Johnson & Johnson, the deep-pocketed corporate giant, and ordered it to pay the state $572 million in the first trial of an opioid manufacturer for the destruction wrought by prescription painkillers. Johnson & Johnson, which contracted with poppy growers in Tasmania, supplied 60 percent of the opiate…

Apple Patches iPhone Jailbreaking Bug

Apple has released today an iOS security update to patch a bug the company accidentally un-patched in an earlier release, introducing a security weakness that allowed hackers to craft new jailbreaks for current iOS versions. From a report: The original bug, discovered by Ned Williamson, a Google Project Zero security engineer, allows a malicious app to exploit a “user-after-free” vulnerability and…

Google Confirms Android 10 Will Fix 193 Security Vulnerabilities

“Were it not for third-party components, the August Android Security Bulletin would have been the first report to be released with only a single critical vulnerability found,” reports TechRepublic. “However, with the inclusion of Broadcom and Qualcomm components, there are seven in total.” Meanwhile, Forbes reports on what’s being fixed in September’s release of Android 10: 193 Android security vulnerabilities needed…

India’s Chandrayaan-2 is 2 weeks away from its moon landing

The spacecraft is slowing down for its final orbit, with its next maneuver scheduled for August 28. It’s due to land September 7. Details about the mission, plus Chandrayaan-2’s first image of the moon, here. Source:…

Researcher Publishes Second Steam Zero Day After Getting Banned on Valve’s Bug Bounty Program

A Russian security researcher has published details about a zero-day in the Steam gaming client. This is the second Steam zero-day the researcher has made public in the past two weeks. From a report: However, while the security researcher reported the first one to Valve and tried to have it fixed before public disclosure, he said he couldn’t do the same…

Great Square points to Andromeda galaxy

If your sky is dark, you’ll enjoy locating these stars and using this method of finding the Andromeda galaxy. Source:…

See Messier 8, the Lagoon Nebula

The Lagoon – aka M8 – is the largest and brightest nebula, or cloud in space, in the vicinity of the Teapot asterism in the constellation Sagittarius. Source:…