Great Barrier Reef Suffers Its Most Widespread Mass Bleaching Event On Record

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Washington Post: Surveys conducted by scientists at Australia’s James Cook University and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority show that a summer of extreme heat has caused the reef, which is a World Heritage Site, to suffer a mass bleaching of unprecedented scale. Corals from the far north to the southern tip…

Nintendo is Making 3D Mario Remasters For His 35th Anniversary

The Super Mario series is turning 35 this year, and Nintendo has big plans for the plumber’s birthday. From a report: That includes updating and bringing back most of his games for Nintendo Switch, according to a report from Video Games Chronicle. Eurogamer is backing up that report, and GamesBeat can as well. The core of the report is that Nintendo…

Moon in Winter Circle March 30 and 31

What a great time to identify many bright stars! Let the moon be your guide. Source:…

Ancient 4-limbed fish reveals origin of human hand

The origin of digits in land vertebrates is hotly debated, but a new study suggests that human hands likely evolved from the fins of the Elpistostege, a fish that lived more than 380-million-years ago. Source:…

Check out these mammatus clouds

Mammatus clouds can appear ominous. But, in a way that’s so common in nature, their dangerous aspect goes hand in hand with a magnificent beauty. Source:…

With Live Sports Gone, Announcer Offers Play by Play of the Everyday

The narration begins customarily, with the play-by-play announcer enthusiastically welcoming his audience live to a competition unfolding on the screen. But this is no ordinary competition. From a report: “It’s the final of the two lonely blokes in a park contest,” the announcer, Nick Heath, begins, setting the scene of two men idly kicking a ball in a park. When one…

Westward shift of Orion and all the stars

As Earth makes its grand tour around the sun each year, the constellations all shift westward in our sky. Orion is a good one to notice. Source:…

Moving online: What you can implement now

By Linlin Xia and Alexandra Urban, Teaching & Learning Team, Coursera Online, live sessions provide effective synchronous learning opportunities and create a space to engage with your students while remote. In particular, live events are optimal for: Mastering content that requires students’ active participation in collaborative problem solving Fostering peer-to-peer interaction, especially when distance or […]
The post Moving online: What you…

Disneyland Is Closed. 31,000 Employees Given 18-Day Paid Vacation

There’s a Three Stooges movie where aliens try to attack the earthlings where it will hurt them the most — Disneyland. The Los Angeles Times points out that in fact the park has been closed just three times in the park’s 65-year-history. But now Business Insider reports: As the spread of the novel coronavirus impacts cities and communities around the world,…