AI Just Controlled a Military Plane For the First Time Ever

On December 15, the United States Air Force successfully flew an AI copilot on a U-2 spy plane in California, marking the first time AI has controlled a U.S. military system. Dr. Will Roper, the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, reveals how he and his team made history: With call sign ARTUu, we trained uZero…

How Ex-Facebook Data Experts Spent $75 Million On Targeted Anti-Trump Ads

The night before America’s election, Fast Company reported: On the internet, we’re subject to hidden A/B tests all the time, but this one was also part of a political weapon: a multimillion-dollar tool kit built by a team of Facebook vets, data nerds, and computational social scientists determined to defeat Donald Trump. The goal is to use microtargeted ads, follow-up surveys,…

What is a galaxy?

We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. But there is so much more to know about these grand and glorious star islands in space! Click in here, and prepare to have your mind expanded. Source:…

‘Google Blew a Ten-Year Lead’

An anonymous reader shares a column: Back when there were rumors of Google building an operating system, I thought “Lol.” Then I watched then-PM Sundar Pichai announce Chrome OS. My heart raced. It was perfect. I got my email through Gmail, I wrote documents on Docs, I listened to Pandora, I viewed photos on TheFacebook. Why did I need all of…

Stuck at home? Take a tour through Disney’s (empty) Star Wars, Pandora and space-age parks

From the comfort and safety of your own home, you can now explore Walt Disney World all by yourself. Source:

3D TV Tells You Everything About This Decade’s Tech

You don’t need special glasses to see what it looks like when smart people run out of ideas. From a column: The breakout hit of the Consumer Electronics Show in 2010 was a television set. Hard to believe now, maybe, but it’s true; for one shining moment, the Toshiba Cell TV was the most exciting new thing in tech. Its name…

A brief history of Saturn’s amazing rings

New analyses of Saturn’s rings reveal how and when they were made, from what, and whether they’ll last. Source:…

Tech Companies Challenge ‘Open Office’ Trend With Pods

Open floor plans create “a minefield of distractions,” writes CNBC. But now they’re being countered by a new trend that one office interior company’s owner says “started with tech companies and the need for privacy.” They’re called “office pods…” They provide a quiet space for employees to conduct important phone calls, focus on their work or take a quick break. “We…

Spotify Wants a Refund On Overpaid Royalties To US Songwriters, Report Says

Spotify is reportedly seeking a refund for overpayments made to songwriters and publishers last year, according to a report from Music Business Worldwide. CNET reports: Last year, a royalty rate-setting panel in the U.S., called the Copyright Royalty Board, ruled that a particular kind of royalty paid to songwriters and publishers should rise 44% or more for 2018 through 2022. The…