German Entrepreneur Wants To Develop Lab-Grown Psilocybin

nightcats writes: A German capitalist wants to promote everything from psychological research, applied clinical uses of psychedelics, and even peace in the Mideast, with the help of lab-grown magic mushrooms. “Today, with a net worth of roughly $400 million accrued through various enterprises, [Christian] Angermayer is one of the driving forces behind the movement to turn long-shunned psychoactive substances, like the…

Anti-Zionists Deserve Free Speech

The Trump administration bars a critic of Israel from America. Source:…

News Analysis: In Trump, Netanyahu Sees an Ally Who Helps Him Push the Envelope

President Trump has given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the political cover to embrace a position that critics say would all but extinguish the dream of a viable Palestinian state. Source:

In Israel Election, the Future of the West Bank Is Now on the Ballot

Fighting for political survival, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu backed extending sovereignty over the West Bank, putting a contentious issue front and center. Source:

As Israel Charts a Future, Color and Chaos Abound in Its Election

The voting on Tuesday seems to be all about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — keep him or dump him. But our photographer found that’s not the half of it. Source:

Profile: A Debut Novelist Explores Her Family’s History, and Palestine’s

With her debut novel, “The Parisian,” Isabella Hammad joins a group of contemporary Palestinian writers exploring how nostalgia and loss are refracted across generations of families. Source:

Boycott Israel’s Election? A Palestinian Rapper Says No

In a video that’s going viral, a hip-hip artist argues with himself, but ultimately says the benefits of voting outweigh the risks of staying home. Source: